You and your guests will definitely like this delicious and beautiful wine made from chokeberry juice. Of course, you will have to spend a lot of time preparing it, but the result is worth it. In addition, homemade wine does not contain dyes, preservatives or other chemicals. This means you can enjoy it without harm to your health.

List of ingredients

  • chokeberry juice- 6 l
  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  • water - 3.5 l

Cooking method

Prepare pulp from chokeberry fruits and leave it to ferment in a glass container. Squeeze out the fermented pulp, strain the resulting juice and pour into a bottle. Place the pomace in a bowl of water, assuming that you need to take half the amount of juice and water and leave for a day. Then squeeze again and mix with first-press juice.

Add half the sugar to the juice and leave for 2-3 days. Then add the remaining sugar and fill the bottle with the remaining water. Stir and close the bottle with a cotton stopper. Place in a warm place and leave for 10-12 days. At this time, the wine will ferment quite strongly. After which fermentation will slow down. Let it brew with less fermentation for another 15-20 days.

Drain the wine from the sediment and measure it out. Pour sugar into it at the rate that for every liter of wine, you need to add 150 g of sugar and mix. Leave the wine for another month and you can serve it.

Wine made from chokeberry juice is ready!

Homemade wine is distinguished not only by its pleasant taste, but also by its medicinal properties, especially if the drink is prepared without the use of vodka. The recipe for making chokeberry wine is quite simple, although it takes two months to prepare. However, this process is not only worth the effort, but even beginners can do it, since it does not require a large number of specialized utensils and special skills. Let's look at the features in the article.

The ripening time of chokeberry fruits occurs at the beginning of autumn. The peculiarity of this plant is the following - if you do not collect the fruits after ripening, they will remain on the branches until spring. Therefore, a natural question arises - when is the best time to harvest.

The quality of the resulting wine largely depends on the time when the berries were picked from the bush.

Wild wine yeasts die at low temperatures, so it is extremely important to harvest rowan before the first autumn frosts in order to avoid the death of beneficial microorganisms.

For the same reason, it is highly not recommended to wash the fruits before preparing the drink, since most of the bacteria will simply be washed away, and without them the fermentation process will not begin.

Thus, the best time to harvest chokeberry falls around the second half of October. Depending on your region of residence, these times may vary.

Let's figure out what kind of kitchen equipment we might need to make chokeberry wine at home:

It is worth noting that the easiest option for creating a water seal is to use an ordinary medical latex glove, in which a tiny hole is pierced with a needle in any finger. However, this is not a completely reliable method, since the smell of fermentation will be present in the room, and the future wine may “suffocate.”

Did you know? In ancient times, in Rus', a variety of drinks were called wine, be it mash, beer or mead. Only representatives of the nobility drank wine directly, so it is difficult to say when exactly this drink began to be prepared. However, it is known for certain that it was from the moment the Crimean Peninsula joined the Russian Empire that winemaking became ubiquitous.

It is best to use a nylon or metal screw cap (it all depends on the neck of the bottle) in which a hole is made. It is necessary to insert a rubber hose into this hole, secure it securely and hermetically, for example, with glue, and lower the other end into a jar of water to prevent air from entering the bottle.
Nylon cover

In order to prepare such a drink from chokeberry, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 5 kilograms of chokeberry berries;
  • 1 or 2 kilograms of granulated sugar (depending on what kind of wine you want - dessert or sweet);
  • 50 grams;
  • 1 liter of water.
To ensure that the quality of the future wine drink is not in doubt, it is best to use purified bottled water or, as a last resort, boil and cool it.

It is not recommended to wash raisins before use, since during washing, wild wine yeast, usually contained on its surface, will be removed from it, and this will negatively affect the fermentation processes.

The recipe for making homemade chokeberry wine is quite simple to follow. Let's consider the main stages of creating this aromatic drink.

Did you know? Chokeberry berries contain special yeast bacteria - wild wine yeast, which are necessary for the successful fermentation of wine.

Preparation of chokeberry berries. The harvested crop should not be washed, but it does need to be sorted. Bad berries are thrown away, and all the rest are separated from the stalk, after which they need to be poured into a large container and carefully crushed with clean hands. Technology lovers can use a food processor or meat grinder.

Connection of components. Next, add sugar to the resulting puree of mashed berries and mix thoroughly with your hands to obtain a homogeneous mixture. Add a handful of raisins inside (they will improve fermentation). Mix everything again and cover with gauze, which will protect the contents from insects and debris.
In this state, leave the wort to infuse for about a week (from 7 to 12 days) in a relatively warm place, where the temperature will be between +18–25°C. A decrease or increase in temperature can cause the fermentation process to slow down and stop.

Important! During the entire infusion period, it is necessary to stir the wort daily with clean hands to avoid the appearance of mold on the surface.

Juice separation. After about a week, you can begin the next step in making wine. You can find out quite simply whether the mixture is ready for this. - you will notice that the berries have already swollen significantly and risen to the surface of the liquid. In addition, if you dip your palm into the mash, a foam characteristic of fermentation will appear around it. This suggests that you can proceed to the next steps - separating the pulp from the juice.

The pulp is collected by hand and squeezed out using gauze. Kitchen appliances are not very suitable for this, as they quickly become clogged and produce only a small amount of juice. The rest of the juice must be passed through a fine sieve.
All the resulting juice must be poured into a separate bottle (the container in which the wine will be prepared), but you should not throw away the cake - it will come in handy.

The juice you now have may contain small particles and significant sediment. This is not scary, and there is no need to remove it now - in the process of future filtration the wine will be purified.

The remaining pulp. It must be set aside for re-fermentation. To do this, add the remaining sugar to the cake and add water. Make sure that the water is quite warm, but not warmer than 30°C and not colder than 25°C, because at other temperatures the wine yeast begins to die.

The container with pulp must be covered with a lid to limit the access of light, and left for 5 days in a warm and dark place. During this entire period, you must remember to stir the mixture and drown any floating berries.
Water seal and its installation. The juice that was obtained before must be poured into a large bottle, where it will ferment in the future. It is necessary to install a water seal in the neck of the bottle to limit the access of air and remove excess gases.

The water seal can be either specialized or made by hand. If you are using a glove, pull it over the neck and secure it tightly with an elastic band or thread. Drill a hole in the lid that would correspond to the tube you selected. Insert the tube inside and secure tightly.

To do this, you can use glue or another method - from the inside of the lid, insert the empty housing from the handle into the end of the hose and heat it with a lighter. The outer end of the tube will expand and tightly close the hole in the lid.

Place the cap on the bottle. Dip the outer long end of the rubber tube into a jar of water - this is necessary so that gases leave the container, and the wine does not “suffocate,” and oxygen does not penetrate into the bottle.

Important! The short end of the tube on the inside of the lid should be as high as possible above the wine composition.

The bottle with the wort now needs to be placed in a warm and dark room. It is advisable that the temperature here be at least +18°C.

Second portion of juice. We extract it from already settled pulp, which we take out from the shelter. To do this, simply pass the mixture through a colander or sieve. This must be done carefully so that the drink does not turn out cloudy.

The spent cake is now subject to disposal.

Adding juice to the main container. To do this, simply remove the water seal, remove the foam on the surface of the liquid with a spoon and pour the juice obtained from the pulp into the main container, after which it is tightly closed again.
The process of active fermentation. It will last about 1.5-2 months. During this entire time, the wort will need to be filtered. The first month the procedure is repeated every week, and for the remaining time - every two weeks.

To carry out filtration, you need to remove the water seal, remove the foam from the surface of the liquid and carefully pour the wine from one bottle to another using a thin dropper tube, leaving all the sediment at the bottom of the jar.

The end of fermentation will be indicated by the disappearance of its manifestations - for example, bubbles will stop appearing in a jar of water, and the glove will deflate, and the liquid will become lighter in color.

When the fermentation process is over, you will need to strain the young wine through a straw for the last time, freeing it from any remaining sediment, and pour it into bottles intended for storage.

However, if you are not satisfied with the sweetness of the resulting drink, now is the time to sweeten it. You can’t just pour sugar into a liquid: it is placed in a clean piece of cotton fabric, tied with thread to make a bag, and dipped into a container with new wine.
The bag of sugar should not sink: secure it closer to the surface, install the water seal again and leave the wine to stand for another week. During this time, the sugar will most likely completely dissolve.

Now it's time to send the young wine to ripen.

Maturing of wine. When the drink is bottled, it’s time to send it to mature in some cool and dark place. A cellar or refrigerator is quite suitable for this. However, if you sweetened the wine at the end of the fermentation process, do not cork the bottle too tightly, as gases may be released during the week.

The product matures in 2 to 4 months, after which it becomes ready for consumption.

What can be combined with

To prepare a delicious fruit and berry wine, which is also very healthy, you can add other fruits or berries to the chokeberry. Pears and grapes go well with chokeberry.

The preparation of this drink with the addition of other fruits is practically no different from the main recipe - the main thing is that the ratio of them to rowan is 1 to 1.

Video recipe for making chokeberry wine

During preparation, the fruits are cored and cut into small pieces, and the berries are ground or crushed to a puree consistency, after which everything is covered with sugar, and then the fermentation processes begin.

For an extraordinary aroma and interesting flavor, you can add cherry or cherry leaves to the fruit and berry mixture. The rest of the recipe is the same.

Wine prepared at home should be stored in a dark and cool place - preferably in a tightly sealed dark glass container.

The ideal storage room is a cellar. The temperature should be within +10-12°C, although for dessert wines it is permissible to increase the temperature to +13-14°C.

It is desirable that the humidity in the room be between 65–80%.
The lying position of the bottle ensures contact of the liquid with the cork, which prevents air from penetrating inside the container.

If all these conditions are met, homemade fruit and berry wine from chokeberry can be stored for about 5 years.

Important! Bottles of wine are placed horizontally, and it is advisable not to touch them during the entire storage period, since any shaking is stressful for the drink.

If you know some of the features of making wine at home, you can make a very tasty drink:

  1. Ideal container for making wine - wooden. It has pores through which the air necessary for the life of fermentation bacteria enters. However, in modern conditions its use is practically impossible, so the best choice is - glass. It is acceptable to use plastic, but it can be toxic. But metal utensils cannot be used under any circumstances, as the oxidation process occurs in them.
  2. Making homemade chokeberry wine without adding sugar is not recommended, since the berries contain very little sugar and a lot of tannins. Wine without sugar will be too sour and tart.
  3. The more sugar, the sweeter the drink will be in the end.. In this case, if you take 1 kilogram of sugar for 5 kilograms of rowan berries, you will get a dessert wine.
  4. Chokeberry pulp is prone to mold. Therefore, stirring the wine composition should be regular and frequent throughout the entire period, from mixing the ingredients to separating the pulp from the juice.
  5. The taste of a wine drink largely depends on its age. - excerpts. Therefore, the more the product is stored in peace and darkness, the richer the bouquet and taste it will have.

Homemade wine made from chokeberry has not only a pleasant taste and aroma: it also has a beneficial effect on health - it normalizes high blood pressure in hypertension, improves the condition of blood vessels and the heart.

It is in vain that many consider chokeberry to be a useless berry. It contains a fairly large number of beneficial properties, substances and vitamins. Eating rowan helps boost immunity, fight depression and high blood pressure, and has a positive effect on the endocrine system. You can make many healthy drinks from the berries, for example: juice, compote, wine, liqueur, it will turn out very tasty and healthy.

The main thing is to follow a number of basic rules. Only then will chokeberry wine be on par with other alcoholic beverages.

To make wine, you need to know about some characteristics of the berry. Firstly, it cannot be washed before use, since wild yeast is present on the skin, due to which the drink will ferment. Secondly, the berry should not be overripe, otherwise the drink will be of dubious quality. Thirdly, they crush the chokeberry with their own hands. Fourthly, chokeberry cannot be collected and used in winemaking after rain. And finally, fifthly, metal utensils should not be used to make wine. Wooden or glass containers are best suited for these manipulations.

Features of the technology

It is quite possible to make chokeberry wine at home if you know the basic technologies. So, let's look at them using the example of a classic recipe. To make wine you will need 5 kilograms of unwashed chokeberry, 2 kilograms of sugar, 100 grams of unwashed raisins and 1 liter of boiled water at room temperature. If you don't like raisins, you can omit them from the recipe.

First you need to prepare the berry puree. After you get a homogeneous mass similar to gruel, you need to transfer it to another container, which should be at least 10 liters in capacity. Sugar (half, that is, 1 kilogram) and raisins are poured into the bottle, everything is thoroughly mixed with the gruel. The mass is covered with a lid and stored in a warm place for a period of one week. However, the drink should be stirred daily.

After 7 days they begin winemaking, during which time the juice is separated from the cake and sediment. First you need to take the pulp and squeeze out the remaining juice from it. It is convenient to do this using a sieve or gauze. The juice must be filtered and transferred to a container where the wine will ferment. You will need to install a water seal on top of the bottle or put a rubber glove on the neck.

Pour boiled water over the cake and add the remaining sugar to the mixture, mix everything thoroughly. The pulp should be transferred to a jar or any other container, closed, and placed in a dark, warm place for another week. We must not forget about mixing the mass. After a week, the cake is filtered. The liquid must be poured into a bottle where the fermentation process takes place. To do this, you need to remove the glove and then tightly close the bottle again.

The last step in making wine is that the drink will need to be filtered every two days using a rubber hose. With its help, the liquid is poured into a clean container, the neck is closed and removed again. The process is repeated as many times as necessary. Homemade chokeberry wine will be ready when it stops fermenting and there is no sediment left in the bottle. The drink is poured into bottles, closed and stored in a dark and warm place. The wine must mature for 3–4 months, after which it is completely ready for consumption.

Cinnamon Recipe

The technology for making chokeberry wine with cinnamon is similar to the classic recipe. The only thing is that the ingredients change. In order to get a drink similar to liqueur, you need:

  • vodka 1 bottle
  • chokeberry 5 kilograms
  • granulated sugar 4 kilograms
  • cinnamon 5 grams

The wine must be made according to the classic recipe, and when it is ready, mix it with vodka. It may take six months to mature. Such a wine will be quite strong and will differ in taste from those prepared without adding alcohol. Be sure to try this recipe, the wine turns out very tasty and not like the ones they sell in the store.

Recipe for frozen berries

You can also get a light, aromatic and pleasant-tasting wine from frozen berries. To do this you will need:

  • chokeberry juice 4 l. (it is convenient to use a juicer or meat grinder)
  • boiled water 4 l.
  • sugar 3 kg
  • raisins 150 gr

Before you make wine from chokeberry, you need to prepare the juice for it and let it stand at room temperature so that it warms up a little. Then you should mix the juice with sugar and water and mix. Add unwashed raisins, pour the drink into a container and cover with a glove or water seal. It is necessary to wait for the wine to ferment and free it from sediment. Then the wine should be poured into clean bottles and closed with lids. The wine matures for 3–4 months in a cool, dark place.

Recipe with grapes


  • chokeberry 10 kilograms
  • sugar 4 kilograms
  • grapes 350 grams (wash, drain in a colander)
  • boiled water 4 liters

In order to make wine with the addition of grapes, you will need to use a classic recipe. The technology is the same, only instead of raisins, crushed berries are mixed with grapes.

Recipe with apples

Apples can be used fresh or dried, the taste will not be affected. To prepare you will need:

  • chokeberry 5 kilograms
  • sugar – 2 kilograms
  • apples 500 grams
  • vodka 1 bottle 0.5 liters (diluted alcohol can be used).

The wine is prepared again according to the classic recipe, but after fermentation is complete and after the pulp is pressed, alcohol is added to the wine. If alcohol is used, it is diluted in equal proportions 1:1. After this, the drink is bottled and left to mature in a dark place for several months.

Orange flavor recipe

This wine is prepared in two ways. In the first, freshly squeezed orange juice is used, and in the second, the fruit with zest is turned through a meat grinder. In the first case, you will need 300 grams of juice; it is added directly to the crushed berries. In the second, they take 3 medium oranges, wash them, cut them into slices and pass them together with the skin through a meat grinder. The resulting pulp is mixed with crushed chokeberry berries; 1.5 kilograms are needed. You need to pour 1 liter of water into the mixture and add 1 kilogram of sugar, mix everything thoroughly and place the mass in a fermentation container. Then everything is done according to the classic recipe.

Wine is infused on it, which then gives a very pleasant citrus aroma and taste. Homemade wine can be prepared with honey, raspberries, gooseberries, strawberries, currants and other berries. In any case, if you follow the technology, it will turn out very tasty.

Fortified drink recipe

Regular wine has a strength of 10–12 degrees, but you can make fortified wine that real gourmets will appreciate. The preparation method is simple, but often winemakers recommend adding spices to the recipe in small quantities, this way you can drown out the smell of vodka. Yeast is not used in this method.

You will need:

  • chokeberry 1 kilogram
  • vodka 0.5 liters
  • water 1 liter
  • citric acid - a pinch
  • cloves 3-4 pieces

Pour the rowan into an enamel container, add water and cook for half an hour over low heat. Do not wash off wild yeast from the surface of the berry. Afterwards, the broth is left to settle for 12 hours and filtered using a sieve. After the time has passed, put the liquid back on the fire, add the remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly. After 5 minutes you can turn off the gas. When the wine has cooled, it can be poured into a glass container. This drink is prepared quickly, can be consumed immediately, it lowers blood pressure and normalizes metabolic processes in the body.

Homemade chokeberry wine is not harmful if consumed in moderation. It is recommended to drink a tablespoon of the drink before eating. Excessive consumption is too dangerous and can cause detoxification of the body. It can be dessert, fortified wine or tincture. The main thing is that it is prepared correctly and from ripe fruits.

You can choose any step-by-step recipe for preparation. The wine will delight you with its exquisite taste, pleasant aroma and beautiful dark burgundy hue.

Attention, TODAY only!

A healthy drink without alcohol and with a minimum of sugar, just to be tasty.
In the first stages, the process is for the patient and strong. But it's worth it. On average, after two to three months, the reward will be a pleasant chokeberry wine with a bunch of useful substances and microelements.
Stage 1. Pluck rowan from the branches. Yeast bacteria live on the surface of the skin. They will ensure the fermentation of the future wort, so we take care of them. We do not freeze or wash the rowan. How to eat dirty food: crush it so that the juice drains out more easily. If you have strong men's hands, then you can press with them. They may not be enough for a large volume of berries. I used a masher.

Time passed, it began to get dark, but there was still plenty of work to do. I took an immersion blender. She quickly crushed the remains of the chokeberry. In general, there was a full enamel bucket of berries.

Stage 2. Mix the crushed mass with sugar. Carefully until it is completely dissolved. With a rolling pin or a stick, preferably with your hands. How much granulated sugar to add depends on the desired final taste. You can't do without sugar completely. Fermentation will be too slow. Mold may appear and then we will get several liters of vinegar. The wine will be too dry and therefore sour. A lot of sweetness, more than a glass of sand per kilo of crushed berries, will make it dessert. The optimal proportion is considered to be: 150g. sugar for every kilogram of rowan. To start. In the process we will equalize the taste according to sweetness.

All that remains is to cover with a lid and leave to ferment in a warm place. Here it is important to ensure that the mass does not sour and flies do not appear on it. Be sure to stir once a day and tie the top with gauze. In this form, the chokeberry will last for at least a week, or even more. Depends on temperature and amount of sugar. Readiness can be seen by the berries accumulated on the top and foam when stirring.

Stage 3. Squeezing fermented juice. You will have to work manually. Place a colander or sieve on a deep vessel. The gauze is lined with a double layer. We select a portion of berries with our hands, squeeze them lightly and place them in cheesecloth. We collect it in a bag and carefully squeeze out the juice.

Place the remaining pulp in a separate bowl. She will still be needed.

We pour the collected juice into a glass container, where it will be transformed into wine. A large bottle is best, but several 3-liter jars will do. It is important to pour only two-thirds of the container's volume.

Carbon dioxide accumulates in the resulting space. The juice will not be perfectly clear. Pieces of pulp will slip through. Let them remain and stimulate fermentation. With subsequent filtration, the wine will be cleared of all foreign matter.

Now the fermenting juice must be hermetically sealed so that air does not enter and carbon dioxide comes out. The easiest way is to pull a medical glove over the neck. Pierce holes in your fingers. The carbon dioxide released during fermentation will inflate the glove. If it settles, then fermentation has stopped.

It would be more correct, in my opinion, to make a simple water seal. You will need any hose and cap. Make a hole in it with the diameter for the hose. I burned through my nylon with a hot awl to exactly the size. Metal can be pierced with a nail or drilled. Insert the end of the tube. Place the other end in a jar of water, which is placed next to the future wine. If the edges of the hole are not tightly adjacent to the hose, fill them with paraffin from a candle. The tightness must be one hundred percent.

Carbon dioxide comes out under pressure through a hose. Fermentation is ongoing and the wort will not suffocate. What often happens when using gloves.

The juice was allowed to ferment. Let's deal with the pulp. There's still a lot of juice in it. Let's draw it out with water and sugar. Still, you can’t do without water when making chokeberry wine. In its pure form, the juice is too thick and tart to make a palatable wine. Water and sugar are needed to equalize the acidity and consistency of the drink. In berry wines and liqueurs, this is the only way to regulate taste.

Place all the pulp in a container from under the fermented berries (I use a bucket) and lightly crush it. Pour over raw cold water. A separate requirement for water. Tap water is no good. We take bottled or spring water. You will need about a glass of sugar if the pulp takes up a third of the bucket's volume. The proportions change. Pharmacy precision is of no use here. The main thing is that the pulp ferments quickly.

Mix everything well, tie it with gauze to prevent midges and put it in a warm place for several days. Mold forms on the pulp very quickly. Don't forget to stir every day.

The main stage of fermentation of chokeberry juice occurs at the end of August - September, when there is no heating yet and the weather is cold. Therefore, you have to constantly monitor the wort. But not by outside observers! If you think the wine doesn’t have enough heat, place it closer to the stove or heater. We babysit him like a little one. If only it wandered. Prosperity is indicated by foam on the surface of the wort and strings of bubbles running to the surface.

Stage 4. The first week of fermentation of the wort and pulp has passed. Squeeze the juice out of the pulp. Pour the wort through a fine sieve into another bowl. We try not to disturb the precipitate that has fallen. It consists of outdated yeast bacteria and is no longer needed for wine. The same cannot be said about juice from pulp. We pour it into the filtered wort and it comes to life and begins to play. Place it under the water seal again and ripen in a dark, not cold place. We will allot 10 days for this.

Stage 5. Everything essential for the future wine has been done. All that remains is to filter the wine once a week, each time getting rid of sediment. After two weeks, we will replace the simple overflow through a sieve with drainage through a hose. Place the container with wine on the table. Empty - on the floor. Dip the end of the hose into the wine so that it does not touch the sediment. From the other end, pull up the wort with your mouth and quickly lower it into the bowl. The wine will flow out in an even stream. It is better to reduce the intensity. Let the wine “breathe” - it will be filled with air. Air baths prevent young wine from going rancid. Not every time, but after 3 weeks it is necessary to arrange a “long” drain.

It is clear that sediment should not get into the wine. Gradually there will be less and less of it. The wine will begin to lighten. It won't be as thick. A characteristic aroma will appear. Two months from the date of installation, the juice can be tasted. Of course, it is not prohibited to try before. It's just pointless. Now we have a young homemade chokeberry wine and it’s time to make adjustments to its final version.

It tastes a little sour. This is fine. It’s worse when you smell sugar, which means fermentation is already complete and the strength of the wine will be lower. You can try to correct the situation - ventilate the wine through a hose a couple of times.

Wine that is too sour needs to be sweetened. There is a special procedure for this. Sugar is taken at the rate of 1 tbsp. per liter of wine. Place on a piece of gauze or white cotton fabric. Tie it with a bag with a long tail. Hang it so that only the bottom drowns in wine. The sugar should melt gradually. Press down the end of the strap with a lid with a water seal. Usually it takes a week for sugar to completely dissolve, i.e. During the next filtration, you can check the wine for sweetness. The bag is removed or sweetening is repeated for another week.

Stage 6. The wine is ready. Bottle it. You shouldn’t clog it too much at first. Young wine may play slightly. The accumulated gas will easily smash the bottle into smithereens.

We taste and finally close the lids only when all signs of fermentation have passed. Homemade chokeberry wine will become ripe after a few months of storage in a cool place. But even when it’s young, it doesn’t lose out either in bouquet or aftertaste. and nice wine at the same time.

PS: I’ll tell you separately about the strength of the wine. Without any special actions, the wine has 2-3 degrees. I'm quite happy with it. The strength can be increased. After a month of fermentation, ammonia (ammonium chloride) should be added to the wort. One drop for every liter is enough. The growth of alcohol-containing yeast bacteria will increase.
The brutal way is to pour good vodka into it (50g per 1 liter) before bottling the young wine. The strength will increase, fermentation will stop.

Preparing unusual wines for treating friends and family allows you to surprise guests with original drinks during any home feast. Chokeberry is suitable for creating very simple and at the same time very tasty wines. You can make alcoholic drinks from it from both fresh and frozen berries. Cherry leaves and apples are usually used as aromatic and flavoring additives. In the following recipes with photos and videos you can find many useful tips on how to make chokeberry wine with additional ingredients, without yeast. They will help you find your own option for preparing alcoholic drinks from chokeberries at home.

How to make chokeberry wine without yeast at home - recipe with photo

Making rowan wine without yeast is quite quick and easy. To do this, you just need to collect more berries, sugar and be patient. Using the recipe below, you can easily make both semi-sweet and sweet fortified rowan wine at home.

Ingredients for making homemade wine without yeast from chokeberry

  • sugar - 2.5-3 kg;
  • chokeberry -4 kg;
  • water -6 l.

A simple photo recipe for making chokeberry wine at home without adding yeast

Delicious chokeberry wine prepared at home - a simple photo recipe

By adding yeast, the process of making delicious wine from chokeberry berries can be significantly accelerated: such an ingredient will significantly improve the fermentation of the berry pulp. The following simple recipe will tell you in detail how to properly prepare a tasty and sweet drink from chokeberry, which will have a slight strength.

List of ingredients for a delicious chokeberry wine recipe made at home

  • chokeberry - 2-2.3 kg;
  • sugar -1.5 kg;
  • water -4 l;
  • wine yeast - 1 package (10 g).

Photo recipe for homemade wine from fresh and tasty chokeberry

How to make wine from chokeberry with cherry leaves - step-by-step video recipe

Adding cherry leaves to wine gives the drink an amazing aroma. This ingredient does not require special preparation for use and is simply added to the berry pulp. The following video recipe describes step by step how to make homemade wine with cherry leaves correctly and easily.

Step-by-step video recipe for making chokeberry wine with cherry leaves

When preparing wine from chokeberry berries at home with cherry leaves, you need to take into account the rules for adding auxiliary ingredients to the drink. The following simple recipe will help you easily understand the features of quickly preparing strong wine with a unique taste and aroma.

Fragrant wine from fresh chokeberries and apples at home - recipe with photos

The combination of apples and chokeberries allows you to get an amazing homemade wine that will be both sweet and tasty. The simple recipe below with photo tips will help you easily prepare such a drink at home without using yeast. For work, it is better to take sweet, juicy apples that have a pronounced aroma.

List of ingredients for a recipe for aromatic chokeberry wine made at home

  • apples -2 kg;
  • chokeberry -4 kg;
  • sugar -5 kg.

Recipe with photos of homemade wine from aromatic and fresh chokeberry

How to quickly make chokeberry wine at home - a simple video recipe

There are many options for making delicious chokeberry wine, so before choosing the best one, it is recommended to study the simplest instructions. The following recipe, indicating all the steps and tips from the author, will help you make the best rowan wine with an amazing aroma at home.

Video recipe for quickly making wine from homemade chokeberry

The recipe below is a simple and clear hint for all lovers of unusual alcoholic drinks. It describes step by step how you can make an unusual aromatic wine from chokeberry berries.

Tasty and aromatic chokeberry wine, unlike wine and apple drinks, has an unusual aroma and bouquet. It is great for serving with cheeses and goes well with meats and desserts. Preparing such an alcoholic drink from berries does not require any special skills: you just need to strictly follow the proportions indicated in the photo and video recipes and the order of preparing the pulp and adding auxiliary ingredients. For example, you can prepare semi-sweet or fortified rowan wine with cherry leaves or apples. It can also be infused with yeast or made without yeast. Using the instructions above, you can easily find simple and convenient ways to prepare such a drink at home.