Russian consumers first heard about the Kroshka-potatoes brand in 1998. Then a chain of cafes appeared on the market, offering potato dishes with various delicious toppings. The company's products are in demand; Muscovites and guests of the capital eat them with pleasure. What is the calorie content of the famous brand’s menu? Can we talk about it as a fast but healthy food chain?

Today, Kroshka Potato is a network of over 300 branches throughout Russia. The company's managers claim that their products combine the concept of fast food and fast, but nutritious, nutrition. Here visitors can decide for themselves what they will eat: cheese or meat, baked potatoes or delicious fresh salads.

Potatoes are carefully selected, purchased mainly from Russia and “diluted” with supplies from Egypt and Holland, Israel and Poland (countries where it is possible to harvest twice during the season). The tubers are grown in environmentally friendly areas, without the use of GMOs, pesticides or poisons. They are calibrated to select the healthiest and largest ones.

Nutritious Nutrition: Basic Principles

For a quick snack, delicious, freshly prepared and crumbly dishes are suitable. They will satisfy hunger and give the body the necessary breath of energy. This principle is followed by the Little Potato. The main purpose of a snack is maximum benefit. Lunch, second breakfast or afternoon snack should have optimal calorie content and be filling. It must contain everything you need (carbohydrates, fats, proteins and vitamins), and in balanced doses.

An essential component is complex carbohydrates. They break down slowly and gradually, giving cells full energy for work and regeneration.

What do you need to know when visiting fast food restaurants?

If you do not want to gain weight by visiting the Kroshka Potato restaurant and other fast food establishments, follow these simple rules:

  • Avoid any dishes that contain cream and cheese in the recipe. They contain a lot of fat and calories, which are poorly digested and are deposited in the body in the form of extra pounds and centimeters.
  • The best option is food rich in natural protein. It is best to order a chicken salad, a roll with crab or fish.
  • Healthy bread is an important component of a healthy diet. Choose options with bran, in the form of bread and croutons without oil.
  • It is worth ordering portions of chicken without fat and skin or lean fish, steak without sauce and fatty cheese.
  • Instead of creamy mashed potatoes, it is recommended to choose freshly prepared salad or steamed vegetables, boiled potatoes instead of unhealthy fried ones. Remember that a lot depends on the way it is prepared!
  • Portion size matters. If it's big, you don't have to forcefully finish it. It’s best to carefully cut yourself as much as you can eat, and ask the waiter to pack the rest in an airtight container.
  • If vegetables and fruits do not satisfy your hunger, you should order a portion of rice or buckwheat, followed by a fish or chicken roll.
  • Choose dishes following the calorie table for the Kroshka-Kartoshka menu or any other fast food.
  • As for drinks, the best option would be a smoothie, green tea, still mineral water or a glass of milk.
  • Are you a fan of aromatic coffee? If you want to drink a cup of invigorating drink, order not a mochaccino or cappuccino, but an espresso. And no tea bags!

When visiting fast food restaurants, choose dishes with minimal fat content, the nutritional value of which is no more than 500 kcal.

Calorie table for the Potato Crumbs menu

Name of the dish Weight (gram) Calorie content (kcal)
Baked potatoes
With vegetable oil and dill 100 128
With cheese 100 130
With butter 100 151
With vegetable oil 100 160
With smoked meat 100 116
"French" 100 84
Cheese cheese with dill 100 327
red fish 100 78
Chicken 60 197
Crab meat 100 355
Cold cuts 100 304
Homemade salad 100 237
Snack salad 100 75
"Caesar" 100 154
Marinated mushrooms 61 52
Rolls and sandwiches
With red fish and cheese 100 226
With ham and cheese 100 267
With chicken breast 100 267
Garlic Butter Bread 55 137
Toast with cheese 110 420
Potato dog 100 346
Hot dishes
Gratin with potatoes and chicken 200 522
Dumplings 100 170
Dumplings with cherries 100 170
Borsch 100 227
Cheesecake 100 350
Fresh strawberry 100 72
Cake "Potato" 100 248
Morse 100 33

How to reduce harm from fast food

To ensure that visiting Kroshka Potato or any other fast food cafe does not harm your health, consider the following nuances:

  • Before studying the calorie content of the dishes offered, take a closer look at their appearance, as well as the neatness of the service personnel.
  • You should not visit a cafe on an empty stomach. Eat yogurt or drink a glass of water first.
  • Don't order large portions. The fact is that saturation of the body after food enters it begins in about 15-20 minutes. If you chew your food thoroughly and eat slowly, you will eat as much as you need, no more, no less.
  • It is strictly not recommended to eat while walking or standing. Any breakfast will be healthier and tastier if you simply find a place, sit down and eat it in a calm atmosphere and slowly.
  • If you still overeat fast food and feel heaviness in your stomach, you should make one of the next days a fasting day. Treat yourself to cereals and fresh salads, drink kefir, and the next day in the morning eat a home-made breakfast.
  • Women should be especially wary of fast food cafes. If you regularly eat poorly or consume unhealthy foods with a lot of calories, you are not far from health problems. Signs that you need to change your diet can be hormonal imbalance, active hair loss, brittle nails, excess weight and poor skin condition.

How to cook Baby Potatoes with two fillings at home: video recipe

Establishments similar to Kroshka Potatoes are popular all over the world. It is unlikely that they will ever stop working completely. Constantly eating “quickly” is very harmful to health, but it is completely unacceptable to drive yourself to the point of fainting with hunger. There is only one way out: from time to time you can afford to eat at a fast food restaurant. But you need to dine here wisely!

The Kroshka-Kartoshka cafe chain began its work back in 1998 in Moscow. Since then, a lot of potatoes have been eaten, and even more different fillings for it.

Undeservedly offended potatoes

It just so happens that potatoes are a clear outcast in the diet of farmers. They prefer rice, buckwheat, legumes and even pasta.

And the reason for this, apparently, is a slightly higher calorie content relative to food competitors and a small amount of protein. But potatoes contain other essential nutrients, especially if they are cooked correctly. The logo of “Kroshki-potatoes” contains the words “delicious” and “healthy”. And the second is not without reason.

The healthiest potatoes are boiled or baked in their jackets. It is in the “uniforms”, in the peel, that there is a lot of vitamin C. To prevent vitamin C from being destroyed, potatoes should be consumed immediately after cooking. The vegetable is rich in vitamins B2, B3, B6, D, P, PP, E, U. Vitamin U, by the way, helps with gastritis and normalizes high acidity.

Little son came to his father

Since in the cafe itself there is no information about the calorie content of the dishes, we carefully read the official website of “Kroshka-Kartoshka” (made in the style of “hello from the late 90s”). From there we learned that it’s best for zodiacs to take baked potatoes with mushrooms, since a three-hundred-gram tuber stuffed with shiitake mushrooms, onions, carrots, champignon cream, parsley, porcini mushroom broth, vegetable oil and salt contains only 99 kcal, 2 .1 g protein, 3.9 g fat and 14.2 g carbohydrates.

Having carefully studied the composition of the fillers offered for the tuber, we sadly realized that we would not be able to taste the protein ingredients: if there is any type of meat or fish in a salad or hot dish, then it is necessarily flavored with mayonnaise beyond measure.

We can handle it, but readers will definitely condemn the use of industrial mayonnaise even in such tiny quantities. In general, we rejected everything that contained mayonnaise and had a fat content of more than 80%, and took:

And our food looked like this:

We also took kvass, because someone had been hanging out in Montenegro for too long and really missed Russian food and drink.

We calculated the calorie content of some fillers ourselves, since there is no information about them on the website. Potatoes with mushrooms and “snack food” and “Georgian eggplant” fillings, according to our rough calculations, amounted to 287 kcal, 6.2 g of protein, 20 g of fat and 21.2 carbohydrates. The version with herring came out to 333.6 kcal, and contained 15.85 g of protein, 19.7 fat and 23.7 carbohydrates. Each person received 125 ml of kvass, which means an additional 37.5 kcal (8.4 g of carbohydrates).

99 kcal - per 300g serving. baked potatoes with mushrooms? When ordering food at Kroshka Potato, you need to focus not only on the calorie content of the products, but also on their compatibility. If you're losing weight, you can't eat at Kroshka Potatoes all the time. Kroshko Potato" is a chain of cafes where you can have a very tasty snack. Kroshko-potato" is a whole chain of eateries.

The Kroshka-Kartoshka cafe chain began its work back in 1998 in Moscow. It just so happens that potatoes are a clear outcast in the diet of farmers. They prefer rice, buckwheat, legumes and even pasta. The Kroshki-Potatoes logo contains the words “delicious” and “healthy.” And the second is not without reason. The healthiest potatoes are boiled or baked in their jackets. It is in the “uniforms”, in the peel, that there is a lot of vitamin C. To prevent vitamin C from being destroyed, potatoes should be consumed immediately after cooking.

Since in the cafe itself there is no information about the calorie content of the dishes, we carefully read the official website of “Kroshka-Kartoshka” (made in the style of “hello from the late 90s”). We can handle it, but readers will definitely condemn the use of industrial mayonnaise even in such tiny quantities. The version with herring came out to 333.6 kcal, and contained 15.85 g of protein, 19.7 fat and 23.7 carbohydrates. We both weren’t full, and it didn’t taste particularly good to us either. But as a snack for a not too hungry person, “Kroshka Potato” is quite suitable.

Is it possible to gain weight from potatoes, and how to reduce its calorie content?

Yes, most likely we are talking about 100 grams and not about the whole potato. Counting the calorie content of consumed foods is simply necessary in cases where a person wants to lose weight. To do this, you need to monitor your diet and increase physical activity. So, for example, for women the optimal calorie intake is 2500-3000 Kcal per day. For men, this figure is 3000-3500 Kcal. But these values ​​are averaged.

It is generally accepted that food served in fast food cafes is harmful to health and figure. But experts assure that in such establishments you can find quite decent dishes with low calorie content. In these establishments you can buy sandwiches, baked potatoes with various fillings, salads, cocktails and soft drinks. The dishes served in this chain are distinguished by excellent taste and fairly reasonable prices. Even people with average income can visit this establishment regularly.

In accordance with the principles of separate nutrition, it is not recommended to eat protein and carbohydrate-containing foods at the same time. Inside the potatoes there may be processed cheese, bacon, minced meat and other products. The calorie content of baked potatoes is about 98 Kcal per 100 grams of product. The calorie content of potatoes baked with butter and bacon is already about 165 Kcal per 100 grams. The higher the content of meat filling, the more harmful the dish is for the figure.

The company "Kroshka Potato" has existed for more than 10 years. During this time, its leaders managed to open more than 300 points throughout Russia. In most cities, Kroshka Potato cafés are located not in separate premises, but in shopping centers. To always remain slim and beautiful, you need to pay attention to the quality of the food you eat and its calorie content.

Little son came to his father

In this case, it is necessary to control the compatibility of products and their energy value. Goji. There are a lot of advertisements about them on the Internet, but there are few real reviews and experience of use. I spent a long time looking for where to buy real Tibetan Goji berries and ended up ordering HERE, the berries from this site definitely work...

Homemade chips in the microwave: video

We all love or have loved McDonald's to some extent. Yes - fast (especially in a big city, where you need to have a snack in 15 minutes), filling and very tasty. I go there quite rarely (2-5 times a year), but after visiting this place again, I thought about the calorie content of the dishes. I knew that Mac's food was high in calories, but I didn't know to this extent! Super! Some dishes I didn’t even realize were so high in calories... Of course, we are all here for a healthy lifestyle, and we try to snack on healthy foods, but sometimes it happens that you want, really want, something harmful.

I propose to post the calorie content of fast food dishes, cafes and restaurants in this topic. The calorie content of potatoes is not as high as those who go on a diet believe. It turns out that young potatoes contain only 66 kcal. per 100 g. If you prepare it correctly, you can get great benefits. Potatoes in our latitudes are a revered guest on every table. It can be eaten at any time of the year. There are so many dishes prepared from potatoes that it is almost impossible to remember everything at once.

The calorie content of potatoes is also increased by the sauces with which this dish is often served. One of the most satisfying delicacies in “crumb potatoes” is crab meat with mayonnaise. This also applies to jacket potatoes. The signature dish of the Kroshka Kartoshka fast food chain is potatoes baked with various fillings.

Are you looking for a cafe where you can have a quick and tasty meal? Don’t want to spoil your health by eating unhealthy fast food? Do you want “normal human food”? We invite you to “Kroshka-Kartoshka”!

The pace of city life continues to gain momentum; we spend more and more time at work and on the road. Eating at home is now a luxury. But everyone still wants home-cooked food. That is why the fast food chain “” is popular and loved.

The main idea of ​​the federal cafe chain is to prepare not only fast, but also healthy food. Many Irkutsk residents who met Kroshka-Kartoshka in Moscow or other large cities dreamed that the chain would appear in Irkutsk. The wish has come true: now you can buy your favorite stuffed potatoes in your hometown.

How we prepare our signature dish

To prepare our signature dish “Kroshka-Potato” we use only selected, calibrated potatoes. One serving contains 1 potato weighing from 300 grams or 2 potatoes weighing from 200 to 300 grams each (imagine what a large and satisfying portion this is!).

First, the potatoes are baked in a special oven at 250 degrees. Then it is laid out on a disposable tray. The hot tuber is cut in half. Inside, at the choice of our guests, one or more fillings are added: butter, fresh dill with sunflower oil, grated cheese, smoked meats or mushrooms - and everything is whipped by hand. This is how natural potatoes turn into tender, appetizing puree and retain maximum beneficial properties.

Next, guests are offered to choose salads, which are placed on top of a portion of potatoes. It can be chilled red fish, pickled mushrooms with pickles, sausages in mustard sauce, meat salad and others. There are 12-14 salads to choose from that go great with baked potatoes.

From the moment you order, a portion of potatoes is prepared just 3 minutes. It turns out to be a very tasty, satisfying and, most importantly, healthy dish!

Potato facts:

Before entering our oven, potatoes undergo a very strict selection, similar to casting for the main roles in films. To describe it briefly, about ten out of a hundred potatoes dug up in the field can get to the “casting”, and only one out of ten will get into our oven, and then onto your table.

Baked potatoes are much healthier than fried or boiled ones without skin.

100 grams of mashed potatoes contain only 75 kcal or 1/27 of a person’s daily requirement. Therefore, even hearty baked potatoes can safely be called a light dish. For comparison: 100 grams of French fries contain 276 kcal or 1/7 of the daily requirement. On the contrary, this is one of the most high-calorie dishes.

200 grams of potatoes contain almost half the daily requirement of vitamin C (the same as citrus fruits). Most of the vitamins are in the skin, so potatoes should be cooked properly to retain the nutrients.

In addition to vitamin C, properly cooked potatoes contain 9 vitamins: A, E, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 and 15 minerals (magnesium, calcium, iron and others).

Are there any dishes without potatoes at Kroshka-Kartoshka?

Our menu also includes soups, appetizers, salads, hot sandwiches, desserts, hot and cold drinks. Every 3 months, seasonal new items are added to the menu, with which the chain tries to delight its visitors. So, this summer we have cool ayran soup, mushroom dressing for potatoes and refreshing Tarragon lemonade.

Moreover, there is an excellent offer that many of our guests liked - lunch for 195 rubles. The price includes your choice of soup, a portion of baked potatoes with salad, and a cool morsik. The lunch offer is valid on any day (including weekends and holidays), without time restrictions.

How to find us?

Our addresses in Irkutsk:

3rd July, 25, shopping center “Modny Kvartal”, 4th floor, food court;
- Verkhnyaya Naberezhnaya, 10, shopping and entertainment complex "KomsoMALL", 3rd floor, food court;

We work seven days a week from 10:00 to 22:00.