Peas are the most common and famous plant. It is not whimsical and people began to use it many centuries ago. It does not require extra costs and caring for it is not difficult. Canned peas appeared much later. What does a jar of appetizing product contain, and what properties does it have? In this article we will talk about canned green peas and their benefits and harms.

A long time ago

Once upon a time, peas were a food accessible to everyone; poor people could afford them just like the rich. It was not considered a delicacy or something outlandish; on the contrary, peas have always been a popular addition to many dishes. But not everyone recognized green peas right away. There are several versions, one of them says that the first to grow green peas were the Dutch. In our area, the product appeared only in the 16th century. It was liked by many and has become firmly established in the history of plant cultivation. Much later, in the 19th century, the production of canned green peas appeared. Almost a hundred years had to pass before people realized that this was a very profitable and profitable production.

But even today, canned green peas are perceived as an addition to everyone’s favorite Olivier salad and other popular dishes. The demand for the product is great, but few people think that in addition to its pleasant taste, peas boast many useful properties, some of which can be called rare.

Benefits of canned green peas

There is an opinion that the benefits of peas can only come from eating them fresh. Not everyone is confident in canning. It is used often, but without hope of a beneficial effect. This is a myth; modern production ensures complete preservation of all the vitamins contained in a fresh product that has been canned.

Canned green peas contain a lot of vitamins and microelements. Vitamin A, B, C, carotene, magnesium, calcium and potassium, these are just some of the components of this amazing delicacy. Green peas are rich in dietary fiber, natural sugars and starch. All this is necessary for health. Each component acts differently.

Calories in canned green peas

The product cannot be called low-calorie. Its energy value is 300 kcal per 100 grams of product. But at the same time, the product gives quick saturation, so it is not at all necessary to consume it in large quantities.

Benefits of canned green peas for kidneys

Canned green peas can help cope with kidney ailments. It will relieve swelling that appears due to kidney failure. Also, since ancient times, peas have been famous for their ability to remove kidney stones. The diuretic effect activates the functioning of the organ if it is not in order.

Healthy heart

The presence of potassium and magnesium in the chemical composition of green peas will ensure the proper functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Regular consumption helps strengthen blood vessels, which means heart attacks and strokes will not overtake the body.

Vitamins in green peas

Since ancient times, the benefits of the product for seasonal vitamin deficiencies have become known. This disease is usually taken lightly. Many people think that it cannot lead to unpleasant consequences, but this is not so. A lack of vitamins over time can affect the performance of the entire body. If you include canned green peas in your daily diet, the body will receive the necessary dose of vitamins in the right quantities.

Canned green peas for hangover

Not only cucumber pickle can help cope with the consequences of noisy parties, canned green peas are also included in the list of “magic” remedies. In fact, there are no miracles, the product simply has the ability to free the body, and most importantly the liver, from harmful substances and breakdown products that cannot be avoided when drinking alcohol.

Calm and measured

It contains vitamin B1, which is responsible for the functioning of the nervous system. The substance will be useful for stress, emotional stress, as well as for severe mental stress. The impact applies to everyone, but it is especially useful for schoolchildren, students and people who daily perform tasks associated with mental work.

A tasty and healthy delicacy, an ideal combination that only a few products and dishes can boast of.

Harm of canned green peas

The product is not recommended for use by people who suffer from digestive problems, including flatulence. This concludes the list of contraindications. There are practically none and this is easy to explain. Green peas can only be harmful if they are spoiled. But it's worth remembering not to eat too many peas. Overeating will lead to heaviness in the stomach.

When talking about canned green peas, one cannot fail to mention the correct choice of product.

For some, these are known facts, but there are things that are controversial. For example, the color of the juice in which the peas are in the jar. It is commonly believed that a cloudy filling indicates that the product is spoiled, but this is not the case. A cloudy liquid can only indicate an increased starch content and nothing more.

But the product composition should contain only a few ingredients: water, sugar, salt and peas. Any additives are unacceptable. Modern manufacturers may use dyes and even flavors, although green peas are naturally aromatic. Therefore, looking at the composition before purchasing is a real necessity.

Canned peas are a product that is hidden from view and cannot be seen before purchasing. Manufacturers generally choose closed and opaque packaging to avoid exposure to direct sunlight. Only a few use glass jars as packaging. But the product can be examined after opening the package. The smell should be pleasant, the shape and density of each pea should be uniform.

The color of the peas can vary from green, olive and yellow. This is not a quality criterion, but just different types of product.

Two varieties are used for canning: brain and smooth-grain. Both varieties are tasty and healthy. Their main differences are shape and size.

The article is about the benefits of green peas and ways to preserve them for the winter.

“There are pods hanging with hooks at the ends. There are juicy kernels side by side in the middle.” This children's riddle is about green peas, the source of a legume plant whose beneficial and culinary properties are underestimated by many. Meanwhile, it can be called a food product that must be present in the diet of every person in fresh or canned form.

The benefits of green peas, fresh and canned

The plant family Legumes is diverse and numerous. One of its representatives, the taste and beneficial qualities of which humanity appreciated thousands of years ago, is the common (green) pea. This annual climbing herb is native to India, but today it is grown throughout the world.

IMPORTANT: Before the advent of potatoes, green peas were the main food product in Russia. He was called "king"

Peas are an unpretentious plant; they grow in almost all gardens and summer cottages. Villagers enjoy it fresh and raw, just picked from the garden. During the season, they prepare pea soups and salads, stew, and bake pies.

City dwellers are a little less fortunate - if they do not have time to stock up on fresh peas from the market, they have to be satisfied with what is sold rolled up in jars. Is it as healthy as fresh? After all, it is known that during conservation, some of the substances in the product disintegrate. It is necessary to consider this issue in more detail.

Fresh green peas are high in plant protein and other nutrients.

First, you need to go through the composition of the fresh product:

  1. There is quite a lot of protein (vegetable) in the product, from 5% to 7%. It is quickly and completely absorbed by the body and spent on building its new structural units. If a person for some reason does not eat meat, he needs to make sure that peas are on his table at least a couple of times a week
  2. There is a small amount of fat in peas, up to 1%
  3. The product contains 10-14% carbohydrates, represented by sugars (glucose, maltose, sucrose) and starch. They are also well absorbed by the body and processed into the energy it needs for life.
  4. Dietary fiber in the product up to 5%
  5. The product is distinguished by a high percentage of amino acids (arginine, lysine, glycine, valine, others) and organic acids (omega 3 and omega 6, palmitic, oleic, stearic, linoleic and linolenic (
  6. 70 - 75% of green peas consist of water
  7. Micronutrients in peas are vitamins (A and beta-carotene, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, D, E, H, K, PP), micro- and macroelements (iron, calcium, potassium, cobalt, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, sodium, selenium, phosphorus, zinc, others, 26 in total)

IMPORTANT: Green peas will not harm those who are watching their weight: 100 g contain only 73 kcal

Canning green peas is a way to preserve the product for consumption out of season. Harvesting is possible at home and industrial conditions. Unfortunately, some of the benefits of peas are lost during the preservation process.

During heat treatment, under the influence of acid and salt, part of the protein breaks down, some vitamins are destroyed, and the amount of amino acids in the product decreases by almost half. However, in winter, in the absence of fresh vegetables and fruits, canned peas are still able to replenish the deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the human body.

Eating fresh or canned green peas has a positive effect on important human organ systems:

  1. Plant protein is necessary for the body to build new cells
  2. B vitamins and pyridoxine contained in peas have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the human brain and nervous system.
  3. The product has anticonvulsant properties
  4. Antioxidants in peas prevent radionucleotides from entering the body, which turns the product into an anti-cancer agent.
  5. The water in peas and the small percentage of dietary fiber allow it to be used as a diuretic, choleretic and mild laxative.
  6. Peas cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, improve the tone of blood vessels, stabilize the heart.
  7. Eating peas stimulates regenerative processes throughout the body; it has a healing and rejuvenating effect on the body.
  8. In folk medicine and cosmetology, peas in the form of puree, tinctures from its tops are used externally for skin care, treatment of skin allergies, dermatitis, skin peeling, and faster healing of wounds.

Harm of fresh and canned green peas

Fresh green peas, if they are grown in an environmentally friendly place, have not spoiled and are consumed in moderation, do not harm the body. If you eat too much of it, the following are possible:

  • stomach upset
  • bloating
  • flatulence

IMPORTANT: Pregnant women and nursing mothers can eat fresh peas, because they contain a lot of useful substances. But you need to start trying it gradually, observing the reaction of your own gastrointestinal tract and the reaction of the child. The mother of a baby with colic should temporarily stop eating peas. You also need to make sure that the product does not give an allergic reaction: although the likelihood of it is minimal, it does exist

As for canned peas, everything is ambiguous.

  1. It is not the product itself that can harm the human body, but errors and violations of technology during its preparation and storage.
  2. Homemade peas in jars evoke great confidence; they contain nothing except the product itself, salt, sugar and water (sometimes vinegar). Industrially manufactured jars often contain preservatives.
  3. Canned food is often made not from fresh, but from dry peas. Milking processing reduces its nutritional value. To protect yourself, when choosing canned goods, you should pay attention to the date of their manufacture. This should be "pea season" - from May to July

Calorie content of canned green peas

Depending on the harvesting method and the brand of manufacturer, the calorie content of canned green peas ranges from 50 to 70 kcal per 100 g.

VIDEO: Canned peas: benefits and harms

Canned Peas Recipes

You can prepare peas for the winter by canning them at home in different ways:

  • use only sugar and salt
  • use citric acid
  • use vinegar (pickle)

IMPORTANT: Does it seem like a long time to peel peas? There is a simple and fast way! You need to pour the pods into a pan of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. The pods will open and the peas will be easy to separate from them. It will be enough to catch and throw away the peel, and throw the peas into a colander

RECIPE: Canned green sweet peas

You need (for 1 jar of 0.5 l): peeled green peas - 300 g, water - 1 l, salt - 1 teaspoon, sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon.

  • water is poured into an enamel pan
  • pour peas into water, add sugar and salt
  • bring water to a boil, cook peas for 15-20 minutes
  • At this time, jars and lids are sterilized
  • drain the boiled peas in a colander
  • the broth is filtered twice through cheesecloth
  • peas are laid out in prepared jars, poured with broth
  • put the jars to sterilize for 20-30 minutes
  • then they are rolled up with sterile lids
  • jars of canned peas cool upside down on the lid

IMPORTANT: The jars are sterilized this way: they are placed in a pan filled with water so that it covers the jars by three quarters. There should be a diaper at the bottom of the pan. The jars should be covered with lids, but not rolled up. Bring the water to a boil and keep the jars of peas in it for the required amount of time.

RECIPE: Canned peas with citric acid

In this case, citric acid acts as a preservative, so peas prepared in this way do not need to be sterilized.
You need (for 1 jar of 0.5 l): peeled green peas - 300 g, water - 1 l, sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons, salt - 1 tbsp. spoon, citric acid - 1 teaspoon.

  • Prepare a marinade from water, salt and sugar and set it to boil
  • pour washed green peas into the boiling marinade
  • cook the peas for a quarter of an hour, add citric acid to the marinade five minutes before turning off
  • then transfer the peas into sterile jars so that they are not completely filled, 2 cm short of the top
  • The jars are rolled up with sterile lids, cooled and placed in the refrigerator, where the workpiece should be stored


Canning peas for the winter: recipe with vinegar

With vinegar, green peas turn out piquant, so they are well suited for salads and appetizers.
RECIPE: Pickled green peas with vinegar

You need: peeled peas – 300 g, water – 1 l, sugar and salt – 1 tbsp. spoon, vinegar 9% - 0.3 cups.

  • Boil peas in boiling water for 5 minutes
  • Separately cook the marinade - water with salt, sugar and vinegar
  • Place the peas in sterile jars and pour in the marinade.
  • cover the jars with sterile lids and sterilize for half an hour
  • roll up the cans
  • cool the jars upside down, under a towel

VIDEO: Canned green peas. Preparations for the winter

Canned peas are one of the most popular canned vegetables, which are often used in cooking for preparing all kinds of dishes. It is used to cook soups, make various salads and seasonings, and is also used in its natural form as a simple side dish. Thanks to the rich complex of useful substances, the value of this product is undeniable. Nevertheless, experts are often interested in the calorie content of canned green peas. It is worth understanding this indicator in more detail.

Calorie content of peas

Peas are the oldest crop that humanity knew about back in the 4th century BC. Its fruits are a fairly valuable food product, containing a huge amount of vegetable protein. In addition, it contains many vitamins, minerals and various beneficial acids. The energy value of such a product is a little more than 80 kilocalories.

For a long time, the only way to harvest peas was drying. Later, people learned to preserve it.

The Dutch were the first to do this in the 16th century. Today, canned peas can be found in any grocery store.

Many people have a question: what is the difference between products that have undergone these types of processing? The most important difference is that the calorie content of canned green peas is several times lower than that of dried ones. There may be two reasons for this. Firstly, removing moisture increases the concentration of basic elements in it (fats, proteins and carbohydrates), which determine its energy value. By the way, the calorie content of dried peas is about 300 kilocalories. Secondly, exclusively young grains of special varieties are used for preservation. Moreover, their processing is carried out precisely when fresh fruits reach the so-called stage of milk maturity. Nevertheless, there are quite a lot of vitamins and sugars. The calorie content of canned green peas is only 55 kilocalories. This is much less than that of a natural or dried product.

Practical use

For proper nutrition, as you know, it is necessary to take into account not only the quantity, compatibility, but also the nutritional value of each individual product. The low calorie content of canned green peas allows them to be used as a main component in various diets. This product is useful for those who care about their figure or want to lose weight. The fact is that you can safely eat the fruits of legumes without fear of gaining extra pounds.

In addition, peas help cleanse the body, removing unnecessary toxins and various harmful substances from it. By the way, the pea diet is the simplest. It does not contain a strict list of products indicating the amount of their consumption. It is necessary to include at least one dish made from peas in your menu every day. The main thing is that the remaining components in it are not high-calorie. By the way, this could be a few spoons of canned peas as a side dish. The main disadvantage of such a diet is the unpleasant side effects in the form of flatulence. But this problem is not so global.

Calorie calculation

Many people like canned green peas. The calorie content per 100 grams of the finished product is 53-55 kilocalories. And here we mean the edible part of it, excluding liquid. This is the number that is usually indicated on the labels. After all, peas are sold in containers of different sizes. The energy value of the entire package can be calculated independently by drawing up a simple proportion. But as a rule, this is not necessary. Most often, the caloric content of a unit of product is needed to calculate the energy value of the finished dish.

For example, to prepare an omelet with green peas you will need the following products:

2 eggs, 200 grams of canned peas, 50 milliliters of milk and 2 grams of table salt.

As a result of culinary processing, the finished omelet will have the following characteristics:

Having this calculation before your eyes, you can decide how much food to use to prepare a given dish so that its consumption does not have undesirable negative consequences.

Official standard

Since the times of the USSR, there has been a certain GOST for any food products produced in the country. “Canned green peas” is a product that meets certain requirements.

Until recently, GOST 15842-90 still existed for it. It represented the technical conditions for the production of food pea products for export and the needs of the national economy. This document detailed the following indicators:

  • characteristics of the raw materials used;
  • rules for packaging, labeling and acceptance of finished products;
  • description of testing methods for basic quality indicators;
  • conditions of transportation and storage.

After the collapse of the Union in Russia, many documents were revised. Over time, a new national standard of the Russian Federation was introduced: GOST R 54050-2010 entitled “Natural canned food. Green peas". Today, this document is the main one for determining the compliance of a given type of product with the standards established in the state.

Product benefits

It's no secret that it is proteins, fats and carbohydrates that are responsible for the calories in canned green peas. When they decay, energy is formed that is transferred to the body to maintain its vital functions. Despite the small value of this indicator, canned peas are considered a fairly healthy product.

For example, the selenium it contains is an excellent anticarcinogen, and vitamin PP has a positive effect on the human cardiovascular system. In addition, canned peas contain a lot of starch and dietary fiber, which are practically not digested. Due to these components, you can use peas to get rid of constipation and solve many other problems associated with digestion. Don't forget about fiber too. It not only removes harmful waste and toxins from the body. With its help, you can improve the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract, as well as normalize cholesterol levels. In addition, frequent consumption of such peas strengthens bone tissue and improves immunity. It also improves blood circulation, resulting in increased mental activity in a person. This is just a small part of the benefits that a seemingly simple and unremarkable product brings to the human body.

Possible harm

To correctly create your diet, you need to know not only how many calories are in canned green peas. It must be remembered that this product, like many others, has in addition to positive aspects also negative aspects. For example, it is strictly contraindicated for people prone to flatulence and suffering from colitis. This can not only create some discomfort, but also lead to quite serious consequences.

In addition, those who have been diagnosed with urolithiasis by doctors should avoid eating peas. Being a strong diuretic, this product can easily provoke spontaneous movement of sand and cause severe renal colic. In principle, canned peas can no longer threaten the human body. The danger will only arise if the product is stale.

It is also necessary to carefully study the composition of the product, which is usually indicated on the label. It is advisable that it does not contain any additives or preservatives that are harmful to health.

, without which the preparation of holiday dishes is indispensable. Peas are low in calories, so they are considered dietary.

Preservation has a rich vitamin composition and many beneficial properties. Before you start eating peas, you need to study the contraindications.

A high-quality product must not contain preservatives or flavor enhancers, and the jar must be intact and without dents.

Chemical composition and BZHU

There are two types of beans used for canning: brain beans and smooth beans. .

The first variety has a soft, delicate taste and is suitable for garnishing. The second one is added to salads; it is hard, dense and lacks sweetness.

The composition of peas is rich:

  • vitamins C, E, H, PP;
  • flavonoids;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • potassium;
  • iodine;
  • phenolic acids;
  • chlorine

The table shows the energy value of the product:

Benefits and harms

People on a diet can eat peas: they have beneficial properties and are low in calories. The product contains a lot of protein.

Beans stimulate fat burning and lower cholesterol.

Useful properties of canned peas:

  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • prevents the development of sclerosis;
  • is a diuretic product.

The benefit of beans is that regular consumption of them reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack and improves heart function.

They help remove kidney stones and normalize sleep. The composition contains antioxidants, thanks to which the skin ages more slowly.

Peas can cause harm. Canned food should not be consumed:

  • for gout;
  • with severe gas formation;
  • for intestinal diseases.

It is forbidden to eat legumes during the postoperative period if you have problems with the stomach and intestines.

Canned beans can cause harm to the body if the recommendations for their intake are neglected:

  • if you store an open jar for longer than a day, then the amount of carcinogens in it increases;
  • frequent consumption of peas causes colic;
  • Eating canned peas for stomach diseases can worsen your health.

Frozen peas can also be canned. It has regenerating and antitumor properties, and is especially useful for people with heart and vascular diseases. Contraindicated for intestinal disorders.

Quality standards. How to choose the right product

For the preparation of canned food on a large scale, certain quality standards have been developed. They are represented by the interstate standard (GOST) and the All-Russian Product Classifier (OKPD).

The provisions of GOST indicate:

  • how to properly characterize raw materials;
  • how to label and package the product;
  • how to correctly describe test results;
  • under what conditions the products should be stored and how to transport them.

Thanks to the OKPD standard, you can choose high-quality canned food.

The following criteria will help you do this:

  1. The month of production of the product must be May or June. At this time, you can make canned food from young raw materials. If a different month is specified, the product was made from dry or frozen peas.
  2. The product must contain ingredients such as peas, water, salt and sugar.
  3. The date of production is applied with indelible paint on the lid of the jar. If the number is extruded, then this indicates the use of old equipment, which significantly reduces quality.
  4. The jar speaks about the quality of the contents. It should be without dents. Their presence can provoke oxidation processes on tin containers, which release toxins.
  5. If the beans are in a glass jar, the liquid should be clear, but a small amount of starch sediment is allowed.
  6. When you open the jar, you should notice a pleasant sweet aroma. A sour smell indicates that the product is spoiled.

In order not to harm your health by eating peas, you must follow the recommendations:

  1. Do not eat the product after lunch, as gases may form in the intestines.
  2. Do not combine beans with foods such as bread, sweet desserts, potatoes, and cereals.
  3. Do not store the product in an open jar for more than 24 hours.
  4. Do not drink beans with tea.
  5. It is recommended to consume peas along with the liquid that is in the jar, as it contains many vitamins.

If the canned food was purchased for use in salads, then the brine must be drained.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy is not a contraindication to consuming canned green peas. The product contains a large amount of protein.

. Women are allowed to consume up to 100 grams of peas per day. It is recommended to do this before lunch.

Pregnant women need to be very responsible when choosing preservation. It is better to purchase beans in glass containers. In this case, the quality of the product can be immediately determined by its appearance.

Peas prevent the development of appendicitis and the accumulation of pathogens in the intestines.

Peas help remove pathogenic bacteria from the genitourinary system of men, which provoke the development of urethritis and prostatitis.

Peas are allowed to be included in a vegetable dish, made into a marinade, salad, or used as a side dish for fish and meat. Grain goes well with it.

Product in children's diet

Canned peas for small children are available in the form of special purees. The product is allowed to be included in the diet of a child from 6 months. First, a spoonful of complementary foods should be given, and then the dosage is increased to 100 grams per day.

You can mix puree with various vegetables, fish, meat, and add to porridge. Whole peas are allowed to be given to the child when he can chew. Preservation can be prepared at home. The cooking process will take 50 minutes.

Use for weight loss

Beans will not cause harm to people on a diet due to their low calorie content. Due to the high content of vegetable protein, peas allow you to not feel hungry for a long time.

Beans help speed up the metabolic process and increase the body's resistance to the negative influences of the environment. If you eat peas every day, the excess liquid will go away.

For pancreatitis

It is not recommended to include peas in the diet for pancreatitis. However, if after consuming the product several times a patient with a chronic disease feels well, then it is allowed to eat peas 1-2 times every 7 days.

For diabetes

Beans can lower blood glucose levels. They also slow down the process of glucose absorption by the intestines. This applies to type 1 and type 2 diabetes, since the product does not allow the development of glycemia.

For the elderly

. The benefit of the vegetable for older people is to saturate weakened muscles with useful substances and restore their previous tone.

Due to the presence of vitamins K and C, as well as magnesium and calcium, pea consumption has a beneficial effect on bones and joints.

Calories in canned peas

For preservation, only young beans are used, which do not lose their beneficial properties during processing. When harvested, their calorie content becomes 23 kcal less.

The calorie content of peas is 53 kcal per 100 grams. This means that the product is not capable of harming the figure.

The legume crop, which includes green peas, originated around 6000 BC. It is believed that the plant first appeared in East and Central Asia.

Interesting facts about green peas:

  • Translated from the ancient Indian language, pea pod means “grated.” The plant was given this name because the beans were ground into flour and used in the baking process.
  • The Dutch first developed a preservation recipe in the 19th century.
  • In Medieval Rome, rattles were made from peas and a bull's bladder, with the pea being placed inside the bladder.
  • According to the rules of etiquette, the British mash the product with the back of a fork, rather than pricking peas on it.

Peas are a healthy and nutritious food, but not everyone benefits from eating them.

People who are:

  • those suffering from intestinal colic;
  • prone to flatulence;
  • with product intolerance.

It is worth limiting the consumption of beans if you have urolithiasis. The product may contribute to the appearance of renal colic.


Canned peas are a filling and healthy food. Beans have a positive effect on the body of older people and pregnant women. They are able to normalize blood pressure and reduce glucose levels.

Peas contain many micro- and macroelements that strengthen bones, joints, and prevent skin aging.

Before purchasing canned food, you need to carefully inspect the packaging and make sure that it is not damaged and has all the necessary markings.

Today, proper, balanced nutrition has become a true fashion trend. More and more people are choosing food responsibly. But in our diet, as before, canned green peas are found. The benefits and harms of green beans is the topic of today's conversation.

Among us there are probably many people of various age categories who simply adore canned green peas. The benefits and harms, calorie content of the product have recently become of interest to ordinary consumers.

We are used to adding green peas to Olivier. But not only this salad can be varied with such peas. There are a huge number of snack recipes that include canned peas. The benefits and harms, calorie content of the treat will be discussed in more detail below.

On a note! Canned green peas are among the low-calorie foods. Its nutritional value is only 58 kilocalories. Most of it comes from water.

We mainly love green peas for their sweet taste. And such a product is often used as a decoration for gastronomic masterpieces. Few people know about the beneficial properties of canned beans. And all thanks to an amazing set of vitamins, mineral compounds, micro- and macroelements.

Component composition:

  • alimentary fiber;
  • beta-carotene;
  • thiamine;
  • calcium;
  • vitamin B2;
  • ferrum;
  • sodium;
  • pantothenic and ascorbic acids;
  • potassium;
  • vitamin B4;
  • vitamin K;
  • amino acids;
  • Omega fatty acids;
  • pyridoxine.

The healing properties of green peas are inextricably linked with its component composition. Experts have found that under the influence of high temperature, legumes lose some minerals, vitamins, micro- and macroelements. Therefore, in this form the product becomes practically useless.

To reap the exceptional benefits of eating peas, it is best to eat them fresh.

On a note! Do not heat-treat canned green peas. Add it to ready-made dishes.

You were able to see for yourself how diverse the composition of canned peas is. Its benefits and harms have recently interested many consumers, because canned beans often appear on our tables. And some of us actually like to drink marinade.

Beneficial features:

  • eliminating constipation;
  • normalization of digestive processes;
  • slowing down the processes of premature aging;
  • decreased blood pressure levels;
  • removal of toxic compounds and toxins;
  • stabilization of cholesterol concentration;
  • improving the functioning of the circulatory system;
  • promoting tissue regeneration;
  • prevention of anemia;
  • increased hemoglobin level;
  • stabilization of blood clotting;
  • prevention of liver and kidney diseases.

The beneficial properties of canned peas do not end there. Of course, only a high-quality product will bring unconditional benefits to the body. Many housewives prefer to buy peas in glass containers.

Green peas contain B vitamins, which together have a positive effect on the nervous system.

On a note! If you regularly consume canned green peas as food, you can prevent the onset of diabetes.

Many inhabitants of the planet, due to physiological characteristics, are forced to closely monitor their diet and exclude certain foods from it. Not everyone can eat canned peas.

List of contraindications:

  • gallstone disease;
  • gout;
  • digestive disorders;
  • colitis;
  • post-infarction state;
  • thrombophlebitis.

Important! Eating green peas in large quantities leads to bloating and increased gas production. The manifestation of such symptoms indicates that legumes should be temporarily excluded from the diet or limited.

We can our own peas

Many people have sweet peas growing in their garden. In its fresh form, it gives the body incredible benefits. You can harvest and can your own legumes. You can be 100% confident in the quality of such a product.


  • fresh peas – 700 g;
  • spices;
  • filtered water – 0.75 l;
  • table salt - 1 table. spoon;
  • apple cider vinegar with 6% concentration – 1 table. spoon;
  • granulated sugar – 1 teaspoon. spoon.
