13 scary holiday recipes

Halloween is one of the most ancient holidays. According to the beliefs of the Celts, who then inhabited the territory of modern Ireland, the year consisted of two times: summer and winter. The end of the harvest meant the end of summer and was celebrated on October 31st. On the night of November 1, the new year began, and winter came into its possession.

According to ancient legends, on this night the border between two worlds opened: the world of the living and the world of the dead. To scare away evil spirits, pagans lit bonfires on the street, wore animal skins and decorated their heads with animal heads. This is where the tradition of dressing up in scary costumes came from.

What to cook for Halloween

Halloween is approaching, and perhaps you've already thought about throwing a scary party for the occasion. Of course, not only the costumes, but also the food should be Halloween-appropriate. So, what scary things can you prepare for this unusual night? Below are a few ideas you might like.

Nest with rotten eggs

  • Ingredients:
  • chicken eggs
  • salted herring fillet
  • mayonnaise
  • salt and spices to taste
  • balsamic vinegar
  • lettuce leaves
  • chokeberry or coffee

  • A very simple and cheap dish, the main ingredient of which is eggs. So, first of all, boil the eggs hard. Let cool.
  • To make a rotten pattern on eggs, proceed as follows:
    1. Break the eggshell so that there are many cracks. We do not peel off the shell itself.
    2. Boil the eggs for a couple of minutes in chokeberry juice or in regular strong coffee. The stronger the solution, the darker the stains on the eggs will be.
    3. Take out the eggs. Carefully peel the shells off the cooled eggs. A dark net remains on the squirrel.
  • Cut the eggs in half and remove the yolks. Grind the yolks with mayonnaise, add finely chopped salted herring fillets.
  • Stuff the eggs with the resulting filling. We combine the stuffed rugs to make “whole” eggs.
  • We make a nest from red lettuce or any other one. Place a spoonful of mayonnaise in the center of the nest and pour Modena balsamic vinegar over it. We put “rotten” eggs in this slurry.
  • For greater naturalness, the composition can be supplemented with “worms”, which are cut from herring fillets. That's it, your "ghoulish" Halloween snack is ready!

Fried hand

  • Ingredients:
  • 500 gr. minced meat
  • 2 onions
  • a piece of white bread
  • 100 ml. milk
  • 1 tbsp. mayonnaise
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp. ketchup
  • salt pepper
  • Provençal herbs or dill seeds
  • Oven-roasted human hand is one of the traditional Halloween recipes. The dish is simple to prepare and does not require any special artistic abilities; on the contrary, the scarier the better.
  • First of all, prepare the minced meat as for cutlets. Soak a piece of white bread in milk. Add the soaked bread to the minced meat.
  • Grind one small onion on a fine grater and add it to the minced meat.
  • Add salt, pepper, spices, and a spoonful of mayonnaise to the minced meat. Mayonnaise is needed so that the minced meat “moulds well and keeps its shape.” Mix everything thoroughly.
  • On a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil, place the minced meat in the shape of a human hand.
  • Take a second onion (small size), remove one onion layer. From this layer we cut out the nails with scissors and attach them to the fingers. We put the onion itself into the hand, creating the appearance of a bone.
  • Place the baking sheet in a well-heated oven. Bake the hand in the oven for 20 minutes at 200°C.
  • Beat the egg. To give the color a reddish tint, add ketchup to the beaten egg.
  • Coat your hand with the resulting mixture. Place the pan in the oven again, bake until a fried crust forms, this takes about 5-10 minutes depending on the oven.
  • We serve the roasted human hand for dinner by candlelight.

Bitten off fingers

  • Ingredients:
  • Frankfurt thin sausages
  • ketchup
  • almond
  • Here is another cool recipe that will delight both adults and children. Fry the sausages in vegetable oil. If the sausages cook a little and wrinkles appear on them, it will only turn out worse.
  • At one end of each sausage, using a knife or kitchen scissors, cut a small indentation into which we insert the almonds.
  • You can make several semicircular cuts, similar to bite marks. We will then pour a little ketchup into these cuts.
  • We put our fingers on a plate, and then, with the inspiration of true artists, we pour ketchup on our fingers, trying to imitate the streaks of blood from severed fingers.
  • We place the plate with the treat on the table (it is advisable to dim the light). This Halloween dish is sure to please your guests.

Cookies "Bloody Brains"

  • Ingredients:
  • walnuts
  • cookie
  • White chocolate
  • raspberry or strawberry syrup
  • Kids will definitely love this Halloween recipe, it’s very tasty and unusual. Take halves or quarters of walnuts.
  • Melt white chocolate in a water bath.
  • We prepare small cookies in advance, on which we will place chocolate-covered nuts.
  • It is also advisable to stock up on tweezers or small tongs with which it is convenient to grab the nut, dip it in melted chocolate and place it on the cookies. If there is no such tool, then we do everything by hand.
  • After bathing the nuts in chocolate, we hide the plate with cookies in the refrigerator so that the chocolate hardens.
  • Before serving, pour the “brains” with red syrup; raspberry or strawberry syrup is suitable for this. You can use jam syrup.

Hamburger with teeth

  • Ingredients:
  • sesame buns
  • chopped meat
  • salt pepper
  • tomato
  • pickles
  • fresh salad
  • vegetable oil
  • mayonnaise, ketchup
  • shelled almonds or peanuts
  • If you use your imagination, you can make something unusual out of the most ordinary dish. And this photo is proof of that. We prepare traditional hamburgers, I have posted a detailed recipe with step-by-step photos.
  • We insert almond nuts as teeth (peanuts are fine), pour in more ketchup so that the streaks look like streams of blood.
  • We make eyes from mayonnaise and flattened peas, you can use capers, olive slices, etc.
  • That's all, our delicious and very funny horror story is ready. And how much joy it will bring children to prepare such a dish for Halloween!

  • Ingredients:
  • dates
  • unsalted cream cheese
  • pine needles
  • plastic cockroaches
  • Cut the dates with a sharp knife and remove the seeds.
  • We fill the dates with unsalted cream cheese such as mascarpone or Philadelphia.
  • We insert two pine needles to represent a cockroach's whiskers.
  • We close the two halves of the date, then place our finished cockroach on a plate with the rest of the “insects”. For authenticity, place several plastic cockroaches on the dish. The cockroach idea comes from the blog boredpanda.com.

Snake Salad

  • Ingredients:
  • chicken fillet
  • mushrooms
  • carrot
  • hard cheese
  • mayonnaise
  • vegetable oil
  • A salad in the shape of a snake is perfect for this holiday. Preparing Snake salad is quite simple. All vegetables are finely chopped and fried in vegetable oil. We also fry mushrooms. Three hard cheeses on a coarse grater. Mix all ingredients while cooled.
  • Read more about how to prepare this delicious salad.

Bleeding eyes

  • Ingredients:
  • 5 eggs
  • 1 jar of canned fish
  • pitted black olives
  • pitted green olives
  • kutchup
  • mayonnaise
  • Here's another variation of an egg dish for Halloween night. Boil hard-boiled eggs.
  • We cut the eggs in half, not lengthwise, but crosswise. This will give the halves a more rounded shape.
  • Take out the yolk. Grind the yolk with a spoon of mayonnaise and the pulp of canned tuna. Stuff eggs with filling.
  • Place the stuffed eggs cut side down on a plate. Cut green olives into slices. From a green circle we make the iris of the eye, from a piece of black olive we make a black pupil.
  • Place the remaining filling on a plate between the egg-eyes. Sprinkle ketchup on top to create the appropriate mood. You understand that there should be a lot of “blood” on Halloween.

Deadly spiders

  • Ingredients:
  • 5 eggs
  • 1 can of canned fish
  • black olives without pits
  • mayonnaise
  • Here's a simpler dish that you can make for Halloween using almost the same ingredients as the previous recipe. We cut the boiled eggs lengthwise and make the filling from yolks, mayonnaise, anchovies or sprats.
  • Stuff the eggs. We make a pattern in the form of spiders from black olives. One half of the olive is the body of a spider. We cut the other half into eight strips - spider legs.
  • We put the spiders on a plate, our scary appetizer is ready.

Witch's broom

  • Ingredients:
  • cheese slices
  • breadsticks
  • sprigs of greenery
  • First cut the cheese into strips 3 centimeters wide. We cut each strip in the form of a fringe.
  • We wrap the cheese strip around the end of the bread stick and tie the cheese with a sprig of herbs. The witch's broom is ready! By the way, panicles can be made not only from cheese; sausage is also suitable.
  • Ingredients:
  • 250 gr. flour
  • 125 gr. butter
  • 125 gr. Sahara
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tbsp. water
  • 1 protein
  • 100 gr. powdered sugar
  • lemon juice
  • chocolate glaze
  • For Halloween, you can make delicious cookies in the shape of coffins, ghosts, etc.
  • Heat the oil over low heat or in the microwave. Mix soft butter with sugar, add water, one egg and flour.
  • Knead the dough well and form a ball. Wrap in cling film and leave for 45 minutes at room temperature.
  • Roll out the dough thinly, and then use figures (witch, star, moon, ghost, etc.) to press out the cookies.
  • Place the cookies on a greased baking sheet, which you then place in the preheated oven.
  • Bake Halloween cookies for 10-15 minutes at 180. Remove and leave to cool.
  • To prepare the white icing, beat one egg white along with powdered sugar and two or three drops of lemon juice.
  • To prepare the chocolate glaze, melt the chocolate. Cover the cookies with glaze.

The bats

  • Ingredients:
  • chocolate muffins
  • chocolate cookies
  • chocolate
  • small chocolate chip cookies
  • M&M's jelly beans
  • Here's another idea for a delicious and unusual Halloween treat. And what’s most important is that you don’t have to cook anything, just buy ready-made ingredients and quickly make these wonderful bats. The only thing you still have to do is melt the chocolate in a water bath and then pour it over the chocolate cupcakes.
  • Well, then insert the halves of chocolate cookies and the head of a bat into the still warm chocolate. The eyes are white M&M's, by the way, the eyes can be made red, it will turn out scarier))).

Dessert "Tomb"

  • Ingredients:
  • chocolate pudding
  • cookie
  • chocolate
  • small chocolate chip cookies
  • M&M's jelly beans
  • Graves at Halloween is, as they say, a classic of the genre, so don't forget about this traditional treat. The recipe is simple, you can buy chocolate pudding or make it yourself using this recipe.
  • Sprinkle chopped chocolate on top of the pudding and insert the biscuits (tombstone). You can take round cookies, but rectangular ones will be better.
  • Using melted chocolate we draw a cross or write the name of the deceased. That's all, I think your guests will not refuse to try this “scary” dessert)))))

Meringues are a very simple and at the same time complex dessert. It's all about choosing the right baking temperature. Halloween ghost meringues differ from traditional ones in their shape and the presence of “eyes”.

Cocktail "Goblin Mimosa" for Halloween

The Goblin Mimosa Halloween cocktail is a variation on the popular Mimosa cocktail, which is originally made from orange juice and champagne. And we will add vodka to our cocktail!

The Banakiri Halloween cocktail is served in a “bloody” glass. The cocktail is incredibly tasty and very easy to prepare. It combines the taste of cherry liqueur and banana. Try making it at home!

Pizza "Dracula" for Halloween

Quick Dracula pizza for Halloween will delight both big and small. It is prepared on the basis of puff pastry. We will bake pizza with Mozzarella cheese, salami, bell pepper and blue onion. Consolidation!

Decorating your table for Halloween is easy. You just need to show a little imagination. Dinner for the Day of the Dead can be served in a bell pepper with a scary face. And inside there is “bloody” spaghetti with minced meat!

What's better than homemade hamburgers? And where can you find hamburgers made especially for Halloween? You will need a bun, minced meat and cheese. You can choose additional ingredients yourself!

Halloween pasta is made from tagliatelle, a ball of Mozzarella cheese and two pitted olives. This makes a scary-simple and delicious dinner for Halloween lovers. You can also use spaghetti.

Frankenstein Halloween Cake

A Frankenstein Halloween cake can be prepared in 40 minutes. Let's take a biscuit as a base, which we will then paint. For coloring, you can use both ready-made and natural dyes.

Halloween Vampire Cake

I don't really like Halloween baked goods that look like skulls, severed fingers, etc. Chocolate figurines of bats and red cream on a sponge cake look much more edible.

From a pack of ordinary crackers you can create Frankenstein, a mummy and even Count Dracula! Great company for Halloween! You will also need patience, a sharp small knife, grapes, cream cheese and strawberries.

Sweet Halloween eyes can be made quickly and easily using crackers, cottage cheese or cream cheese, chocolate cream and chocolate chips. This is a light dessert for tea on a scary-fun holiday.

Caprese salad for Halloween

"Caprese" - Italian salad made from tomatoes, Mozzarella cheese and basil. By adding olives and olives to it, we will prepare delicious horror stories for Halloween. This appetizer can also be served at a children's party.

For Halloween, you can make cute monsters (if you can call them cute) out of popcorn or corn. There is no need to bake anything; the monsters are prepared very simply and quickly. You can cook with your children.

You can create various “scary” snacks from boiled eggs for Halloween using food coloring and the contents of the refrigerator. All you need is your imagination! What would Halloween be without a pumpkin and a black cat?

A Halloween pumpkin doesn't have to be a pumpkin! It could also be an orange bell pepper! You can serve a delicious dip in such a wonderful pepper. Place crackers or chips next to the pepper pumpkin.

Recipe for making meatballs from boiled meat. If you don't want to bother with raw cape and make minced meat, then this recipe is for you. The meatballs turn out just as delicious!

Crispy potato pancakes can be made in 20 minutes! And even then, most of the time will be spent finely grating the potatoes. You can serve these potato pancakes with sour cream or salmon.

This is an incredibly delicious juicy stew with pumpkin and meat, which I am sure will be a hit at your table. Cooked in a pot, it acquires the mild taste and aroma of real home cooking.

Very tender and soft meatballs made from minced chicken with pumpkin that your whole family will love. Even children will appreciate this culinary masterpiece.

Pumpkin compote for the winter is very beautiful and healthy, and most importantly, delicious. At first I didn’t believe it, until my mother-in-law convinced me to try it. Since then I have been making pumpkin compote according to her recipe.

Pumpkin casserole is a magical dish. If you are biased towards this fruit, then I guarantee that you simply do not know how to prepare it correctly. Read and learn!

Pumpkin pancakes are an unusual dish at first glance, but they are prepared quite simply and quickly. The resulting pumpkin pancakes are very tender, juicy, beautifully colored and incredibly tasty:)

Although this dish is called French, it has long become familiar to Russian people. So why don't we cook it? Let's try to make French-style meat with minced meat. The recipe is for you!

Try giving your favorite minced meat dish a little new taste - add pumpkin to the minced meat. Minced pumpkin, which is unusual for us, is a classic in Central Asia, where it is added to manti and other dishes.

It's mid-September, the kitchen is filled with homemade tomatoes and pumpkins. Well, we prepare delicious dishes by recycling excess food. Tomato soup with pumpkin - welcome!

Recipe for filo pancakes with fried bacon, onion, pumpkin, rosemary, goat cheese and Parmesan cheese.

There are such products that no matter what you cook with, everything is healthy and tasty. Pumpkin is one of them. And if you add honey to pumpkin, you get an incredibly appetizing, beautiful and, of course, healthy dessert.

Pumpkin soup with shrimp is a hearty, thick and flavorful soup that has a very original and unusual taste. The combination of products is very successful - I recommend trying it.

A recipe for sausages in dough modified for a festive table on Halloween (All Saints' Day).

A sweet salad recipe made from pumpkin, apples and carrots, which is ideal for a light breakfast.

Another option for preparing pumpkin is my favorite pumpkin in puff pastry. The resulting envelopes are very beautiful and tasty.

Porridge in pumpkin is a very cheap and easy to prepare, but impressive dish of Russian traditional cuisine. If you put this on the table, it will outshine any delights and delicacies.

This method of cooking pumpkin is very popular in our family. The pumpkin-curd pie turns out to be very tender, and the pumpkin itself, interestingly, is practically not felt in it. I recommend!

Perhaps the easiest way to prepare pumpkin is to fry pumpkin pancakes. Quick and a little primitive, but still quite tasty. I recommend it for beginners to get acquainted with pumpkin.

An excellent dish for those who want something simple and tasty, as well as for lovers of vegetarian cuisine.

When it comes to decorating desserts in a “scary style,” you should give preference to those that are easiest to make. We have collected just such recipes for Halloween sweets for you in this material.

Halloween apple head

Let's start with the most labor-intensive recipe of the whole simple selection, ideal for those who prefer healthy treats, but want to keep the holiday atmosphere by preparing something scary. These dried heads look just eerily realistic, are prepared with a minimum of ingredients and require little more than skill with a knife.

Peel a small sweet apple and roughly cut off any excess pieces, giving the fruit the outline of a head and defining the eyes, nose and mouth.

Cut out notches for the eyes.

Create a more defined nose.

Make a slot for the mouth.

Detail the drawing as you wish, the main thing is not to try too hard, rather clumsy work is even welcome here.

Prepared apple heads can be dried in an oven preheated to 100 degrees for 5-6 hours until the apple wrinkles.

You can decorate apple heads with cotton candy to imitate the head and hair, as well as sugar beads for the eyes.

These DIY Halloween treats will definitely surprise everyone around you over the traditional caramel apples.

Sweet table for children on Halloween

When preparing Halloween sweets for children, you want to keep them healthy and take the chance to feed the kids as much fruit as possible by decorating them beautifully.

Vampire teeth

These funny vampire teeth are very filling and quite healthy, since they are made from apples and the only sugary part is the teeth themselves, which are made from marshmallows.

The recipe couldn't be simpler: mold apple slices together using peanut butter, and insert pieces of marshmallows between them as white teeth. Fangs can be made from halves of almonds - done!

Fruit skewers

These fruit skewers, decorated with chocolate Frankenstein, ghosts and traditional Halloween pumpkins are sure to please everyone!

Melt the dark chocolate frosting and fill a piping bag fitted with the narrowest tip. Cut the kiwi into thick rectangles, and use an ice cream scoop to form circles from the melon pulp.

Place fruit on skewers.

Use chocolate icing to create classic Halloween characters' faces.

Let the chocolate harden and serve the treats to the table.

Cupcakes "Monsters"

If you have a small assortment of food coloring at your disposal, you can turn ready-made cupcakes into a real work of Halloween-themed art.

These cute monster cupcakes can be made from a store-bought cake or something you baked yourself using one of the chocolate cupcake recipes you’ve made before.

Start with the monster eyes by rolling two balls of fondant. Use food coloring to paint the eyes, detailing them as much as you see fit.

Using the widest tip, pipe a loose dot of buttercream onto the surface of the cupcake, occupying about 2/3 of the area.

Make recesses and place mastic eyes in them.

On the remaining third of the free space, draw the jaw, planting small sharp teeth from the remaining cream. Before serving, cupcakes should be kept in the cold so that the cream sets and your sweet creation does not float while serving.


On the night of October 31st to November 1st, Halloween is celebrated. And although it obviously has mystical roots, today everything is much simpler. This is a holiday of mischief, buffoonery and... childhood. After all, never again will people eat so much candy and make so many incredibly beautiful and very sweet desserts, extort candy from their neighbors and don’t wear creepy costumes to drive away death. Sweets are a guide to childhood. Try carving pumpkins and cooking something traditional – it’s very tasty! And if you’ve never tried it before, it’s also educational.

A little history

When the British began settling America in the 1600s, they brought Halloween traditions with them. Not as popular as they are now, Halloween traditions grew in the New World but did not become popular until the early 20th century, when the modern version of the holiday emerged.

Culinary traditions have been preserved to this day. And their main component is sweets. Candy, sweet corn, pumpkins, apples - this is what Americans eat on Halloween. Of course, they are complemented by modern dishes like witch fingers cookies, cupcakes with cute bat figurines and millions of versions of bloody drinks. But we will only focus on the traditional table.

Sweet bread Barmbrek

Barmbrek – barley butter bread with raisins and dried apricots. It is the central candy in the Irish version of Halloween. It is also called “Bread of All Saints” and is used for fortune telling games. A stick, a silver coin, a ring, or a piece of cloth is placed into one or more loaves. Each item symbolizes something - from misfortune and poverty to wealth and marriage next year.

Caramel apples

One of the most popular desserts has two types: soft caramel and sugar hard caramel. Try both at once!

Use Fuji and Granny Smith varieties: firm, crisp and tart. They go well with sweet caramel and hold their shape at high temperatures.

Apples in sugar caramel (Candy apples) appeared more than a hundred years ago by pure chance. One American confectioner, William Kolb, was looking for ways to sell more red cinnamon caramel in 1908. And he came up with the idea that you could dip apples in it and then sell them on a stick. It is bright, beautiful and very fabulous. Within a couple of years, apples in a red glossy crust became the number one autumn sweet, especially on Halloween.

You can see how to make these caramel apples in the Mozart Cake recipe. Pierre Herme. Add a little red or black food coloring to the caramel and your apples will become a "terribly beautiful" decoration for your Halloween table.

Apples in soft caramel (Caramel/ Toffy apples). Wrapped in what we used to call “toffee,” they appeared much later. They were invented by Kraft Foods employee Dan Walker in the 1950s. Like the candy version, this one was invented during experiments with sweets for sale on Halloween. He simply melted soft caramel and dipped the apples in it - that's the whole story.

Bonfire toffee (tempered caramel)

This caramel is prepared on the basis of molasses - dark molasses. It is a hard, bitter candy strongly associated with Halloween and Bonfire Night in the UK. It is more of a lollipop than a soft chewy candy.

Soul cake small round biscuits very popular in Britain. It is baked on Halloween to be given to children and the poor in exchange for a promise to pray for the dead. Today this tradition is not as common as "sweets in exchange for wishes", but it is known in Portugal and north-east England.

Cookies are usually made from shortcrust pastry and add cinnamon, ginger, and raisins. Before baking, a cross is drawn on the cookies. It is traditionally served with a glass of wine.

Must be original and intimidating. Making them is not very difficult. However, when preparing such delicacies you will have to show all your creative imagination. After all, this is the only way to make unusual desserts that all your invited guests will appreciate.

Cookies "Witch's fingers"

Witch finger Halloween treats are a classic of the genre. And if you have never tried making such a dessert, then we will present its recipe in more detail.

So, we need:

  • white flour - about 3 cups;
  • softened butter - about 230 g;
  • medium-sized sugar - a glass;
  • fresh large egg - 1 pc.;
  • baking powder - a small spoon;
  • salt - 2/3 of a small spoon;
  • vanillin - a small bag;
  • whole peeled almonds - 10-30 pcs.;
  • red jam - several large spoons.

Knead the dough

The Halloween treats for which we are reviewing recipes are a pleasure to prepare. Such desserts are made very quickly, but they turn out incredibly beautiful and original. Before baking the Witch's Fingers cookies, you should knead the base. To do this, you need to soften the cooking fat, beat it together with sugar and egg, and then add baking powder, vanillin and salt. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, add white flour and knead the elastic dough.

Correctly forming and baking dessert

Having made the sand base, you should immediately begin shaping the cookies. To do this, you need to pinch off a piece of dough and roll it into a sausage that is as close as possible to the size and shape of a real human finger. If necessary, several grooves can be made on the products to imitate folds. You should also place whole peeled almonds on one end of the cookie. In this form, all the cookies need to be moved to a baking sheet and baked in the oven for half an hour. During this time, the “fingers” will be completely cooked and will become rosy and crispy.

Decorating the dessert

Homemade Halloween treats always turn out not only very beautiful, but also delicious. After all, such desserts are prepared without various additives and dyes.

After the Witch's Fingers are completely baked, they should be removed and cooled. Next, you need to carefully remove the almonds, grease the attachment point with red jam and reinstall the “nut-nail”. It is also recommended to color the other end of the cookie. As a result, you should get a very tasty and terrifying delicacy that quite closely resembles the severed fingers of a witch.

Original dessert “Cemetery land”

How to make unusual treats for Halloween?

Recipes for such delicacies may involve the use of completely different components. To make a dessert called “Cemetery Ground”, you need to stock up on the following ingredients:

  • ready-made mixture for making chocolate pudding or chocolate jelly - at your discretion;
  • chocolate cookies (very dark) - 300 g;
  • chewing worms - 10-20 pcs.

Cooking process

Graveyard Halloween Halloween treats are pretty easy to make. First you need to prepare jelly using a ready-made mixture. Next, it should be poured into small bowls (it is recommended to fill the containers 2/3 full) and wait until it hardens completely. After this, you need to grind the dark chocolate cookies to crumbs and place them on top of the pudding. Finally, the dessert needs to be decorated so that it seems that they are literally crawling out of the cemetery soil.

Making “Monster Eyes”

Simple Halloween treats require readily available ingredients. To make an original dessert called “Eyes of the Monster” in a matter of minutes, we will need:

  • round chocolate cookies with a white layer - about 300 g;
  • red jam - a few spoons;
  • multi-colored M&M's candies - pack.

Cooking method

Monster Eyes Halloween Treats are pretty easy to make.

For this we need dark chocolate cookies, which should be divided into two parts. On the one where the white layer remains, you need to stick an M&M’s candy with the lettering facing down. After this, the “whites of the eyes” need to be painted with red jam, which will imitate blood vessels. At the end, the dessert must be kept in the cold, and then beautifully placed on a plate and served along with tea.

As for the half of the cookie where there is no white cream left, it can be used to make a delicacy called “Cemetery Ground”.

Preparing the “Witch’s Broom” delicacy

DIY Halloween treats are pretty easy to make. If you want to get an original sweet dish, but you don’t have time to cook it for a long time, then we suggest using the recipe described below.

For this we need:

  • salted straw - a small pack;
  • chocolate candies with a ribbed surface (it is advisable to purchase round ones) - 10-20 pcs.

How to cook?

Treats made from sweets are the simplest and most delicious. To make a witch's broom, turn the ribbed treat over and then poke a small hole in the center with a toothpick. After this, we place a salted straw in it. This should be done extremely carefully, especially if the candy is filled with liquid filling.

To make the formed dessert look as much like a witch’s broom as possible, it is recommended to additionally coat it with chocolate glaze. To do this, melt one of the candies in the microwave and then apply it to the treat using a pastry brush.

If you decide to prepare such an extraordinary dish as a gift or treat it to invited guests, then you don’t have to remove the wrapper from the sweets. However, in this case, you should no longer grease them with glaze.

Dessert “Cockroaches”

Now you know how to make Halloween treats. At the end of this article, I would like to present to your attention another original dessert called “Cockroaches”. For it we will need:

  • dates - 10-30 pcs.;
  • milk or dark chocolate - 3 bars;
  • cherry cuttings - depending on the amount of dessert (not necessary);
  • peeled roasted walnuts - 100 g.

Forming "cockroaches"

To make this intimidating delicacy, you should wash the dates in advance and then remove the pit from them. Instead, it is recommended to place a small fried piece of walnut in dried fruits. Also, cuttings from cherries should be inserted into the dates, which will imitate the whiskers of cockroaches.

The process of decorating sweet "cockroaches"

To make such a dessert more tasty and original, it should be additionally dipped in it. It is done as follows: the milk delicacy is broken into slices, and then placed in a ceramic or glass bowl and melted in the microwave. After this, 2/3 of the date is dipped into the warm glaze, which is subsequently placed in the refrigerator. When the chocolate has completely hardened, the dried fruits can be safely placed in a bowl and served along with tea.