Well, who doesn't love cherry pies? In general, cherry pie is absolutely standard; it always appears in the imagination when talking about homemade pies. Well, how else? After all, a successful cherry pie is truly beautiful, it combines the most attractive and appetizing colors and textures, this sourness of juicy ripe cherries, the tenderness and aroma of a ruddy, golden shortbread cake and the sweetness of sugar crumbs - simply divine! But this very cherry pie, the dream of a sweet tooth, the beauty and pride of the housewife, is nevertheless an insidious thing, with vagaries and pitfalls that suddenly appear during the cooking process. We don’t want to end up with a thick layer of dough that doesn’t want to bake and just burns, do we? Or an unknown substance leaking out instead of an elastic berry filling. Or even a boiling porridge of cherries and dough... Pie with cherries is full of surprises, you name it. But I defeated him, calling on all logic and self-control to help. And here it is, meet me - an excellent pie with a perfect, berry-to-berry, cherry filling on a thin and crumbly, absolutely not soggy shortbread crust, and even with a sweet crumb on top. Consolidation! I’ll explain what the secret is along the way, be careful.

To prepare cherry pie from shortcrust pastry with sugar crumbs, you will need the following ingredients:

100 g butter,
1 egg,
60 g sugar,
170 g flour,
a pinch of salt,
zest of one lemon,
1 tsp. baking powder.

500 g cherries,
150 g sugar,
50 g breadcrumbs.

40 g butter,
50 g sugar,
60 g flour.

How to make a simple cherry pie from shortcrust pastry with sugar crumbs:

So, let's move on to the process of making cherry pie from shortcrust pastry with sugar crumbs.

    First, let's prepare the filling. Remove the pits from thoroughly washed and dried cherries and sprinkle the berries with sugar.

    Leave for half an hour so that the cherries release their juice. After this, heat it again over low heat, not for long, just a couple of minutes, without bringing it to a boil. Look how much juice has appeared. If they had put the cherry in the pie as is, without processing, it would have drowned in this liquid. In addition, the cherries, once in syrup, will become sweeter. Don’t be afraid, it won’t be too sweet – the herbaceous taste characteristic of these berries will simply go away.

    Set aside the cherries for a while and move on to the dough.
    Combine softened butter, sugar, egg, salt and lemon zest. You can, of course, just add vanilla, but if you are not lazy and still grate lemon zest into the dough, the aroma of the cake will be unreal!

    Mix the ingredients with a mixer.

    Add flour and baking powder.

    And knead the soft dough.

    Grease a baking dish with a diameter of about 25 cm with sunflower oil and sprinkle with flour.

    Distribute the dough into the mold, making small sides.

    Sprinkle the dough with breadcrumbs (we made sure that the cherry juice did not wet the crust during baking).

    We select cherries from the syrup (just catch them, no need to squeeze them, there will be no excess juice) and place them on top of the breadcrumbs.

Homemade baked goods are always tastier than store-bought ones. Each of us remembers moments when grandmother or mother prepared delicious buns with sprinkles, which were moderately sweet and very appetizing.

To understand what I'm talking about, look at the photos; most likely, every reader of my site will be able to remember them, and pleasant taste associations will arise in their heads.

In this article I will tell you how to make topping for buns from childhood and prepare delicious buns at home for the whole family.

First, it’s worth clarifying that it’s called Streusel. It's not at all difficult to prepare.

Streusel is a crunchy crumb on top of baked goods. It is made from shortcrust pastry.

Today it is very popular among confectioners, and not only in industrial production, but also among ordinary amateurs in the home kitchen.

A little history

Judging by the name, it becomes clear that they first learned about it in Germany. She is credited with being born in Silesia; historians claim that this is confirmed in literary sources of the nineteenth century.

Streusel is also called a classic German pie, which has many variations. Each of them can safely be considered a relative of the grated pies known in our country.

Only this time, we will learn how to make Streusel at home yourself.

It is not at all difficult to prepare, but despite this fact, Streusel is successfully used to create appetizing and beautiful tops when baking homemade buns. Let's get into practice now.

Classic baking sprinkle recipe

In fact, you don't need to use too much Streusel to decorate your baked goods.

To decorate with crumbs for 10 pieces of buns, it will be enough to mix the sprinkles from 1 tbsp. l. sl. margarine. If you need more, increase the proportions accordingly.

It is important to note that the ratio of ingredients in the recipe is not exact. To prepare crumbs for decorating different products, you can change the ratio.

The change in the number of components will determine what properties the Streusel will need to be prepared in the end.

To make the mass denser, you should add 1 piece to the mixture. chickens yolk. Flour can be used in slightly larger quantities so that the composition consists of up to 3-4 parts to one part of sl. oils

It is worth mentioning the sweet taste of the sprinkles. If you add less sugar or prepare a salty mass, you no longer need to decorate the sweet buns with it.

Reducing the amount of flour and slurry introduced. the butter should be understood that the mass will be large, but at the same time it will be tender and crumbly.

Components: sl. oil; flour; sugar. Component ratio: 1 to 2 to 1, respectively.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Sl. Grind the butter with sugar using a fork. For this purpose the oil should be at room temperature.
  2. I add flour and rub the mixture with my hands to create a decor. The size and consistency are chosen at your discretion, so grind the mass until you are satisfied with the result in every way.

It will be finer if you add more flour mixture, but the mixture will be dry and dense.

With experience, you will get the feel for the perfect Streusel to coat your baked goods with your hands. But do not forget that the warmth of your hands can turn the mass into viscous and crumbly.

Thick topping for buns

Dense Streusel is prepared as follows:

  1. Add chicken to mixture. yolk and grind with butter and sugar, and only then add flour.
  2. The mass must be rubbed with your hands to the desired state.

Helpful advice: If the sweet topping doesn’t work out the first time, don’t despair. You need to put the crumbs in the refrigerator, all that remains is to add flour and grind again.

Streusel is not sweet

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I sprinkle with sl. cool the butter with flour and chop with a knife.
  2. I grind it into crumbs. As you can see, it is prepared in exactly the same way as simple chopped dough.

If you want to prepare the Streusel with the same structure, you need to collect the entire mass into a ball and grate it. Choose the size personally, it can be either large crumbs or smaller ones.

Variety of crumb recipes

Cooks love to change up classic topping recipes. One option is to add chopped nuts to the crumbs.

In this case, I advise you to take almonds, lemon or orange zest, cinnamon, cardamom, vanilla, in general, any spices that can be added to baked goods.

There is no need to be afraid of experiments; the main thing is that the added components should not burn out during heat treatment.

In order for the Streusel to retain its crumbly structure, feel free to place it in the refrigerator or simply in a cold place before use.

Before covering the buns with sprinkles, you should brush the surface of the chicken dough. egg, so the decoration will be securely attached to the baked goods.

The crispy decor will be crumbly, appetizing, and also very tasty. As a rule, the topping turns out lighter than the baked goods themselves, greased with yolk, and therefore the buns look very beautiful and appetizing.

Before serving, the finished baked goods can also be sprinkled with powdered sugar. This will make the decor of the buns look even more tempting, and therefore no sweet tooth will be able to resist such a treat.

Recipe for beautiful buns strewn with crumbs

Using yeast dough, you can bake very beautiful buns at home, sprinkled with Streusel. The recipe will not cause any difficulties for housewives, and despite the fact that you need to work with yeast dough, it will not take much time to cook.

The main task is to knead the dough correctly and give the buns the desired shape. These beautiful buns can be taken to work as a snack, given to the kids at school, or simply served with a flavorful drink, either coffee or tea.

Ingredients: 5 tbsp. flour; ¾ tbsp. sugar; 1 tsp salt; 140 gr. margarine; 15 gr. raw yeast; 1.5 tbsp. milk or water; 1 pack vanillin.
Ingredients for sprinkling: 3 tbsp. flour and sugar; 50 gr. sl. oil.

You can replace water or milk with a mixture of equal parts kefir and milk.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Sl. The oil must be used chilled. I mix it with sugar and flour and make crumbs. The mixture will be paste-like, so you need to add a little more sugar, and add flour in the same way. If the mass is small and mealy, feel free to add chicken. yolk or sl. oil.
  2. I stir the mixture to form crumbs. I put the sprinkles in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
  3. Mixing ingredients for a simple yeast dough. I wait for the first rise and knead the mass. After the second, you can cut the dough into future buns. Making them is not at all difficult. I make balls from the mixture and dip them in the slurry. butter, so I sprinkle it with crumbs.
  4. I make cuts on the buns, 3 pcs. will be quite enough.
  5. The preparation is ready, all that remains is to send the buns to the oven so that they brown.

Recipe for buns with sprinkles, originally from childhood

I love experimenting in the kitchen with buns. I always like to find that option for preparing baked goods that will remind me of childhood.

These buns really reminded me of the moments when my grandmother cooked them, spread them with slurry. butter, sprinkle with crumbs and serve with hot tea. This afternoon snack is always my favorite.

Ingredients for the dough: 3 tbsp. flour; 1 tbsp. milk; 50 gr. margarine; 3 tbsp each sugar and vegetable oil; 2 pcs. chickens eggs; 1 pack van. sugar; 1 tsp dry yeast; half tsp salt.
Ingredients for crumbs: 1 tbsp. sugar and the same amount of words. oil; 2-3 tbsp. flour.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I dissolve the yeast in warm milk. I mix them, add flour, about 2 tbsp. and sugar - 1 tsp. You need to give time for the dough to rise.
  2. I melt margarine. I mix chickens in it. egg, van sugar, sugar, salt and vegetable matter. oil. I mix everything thoroughly. I add yeast and flour to the mixture. I knead the dough and let it sit for about 2 hours. It needs to be a warm place where there are no drafts.
  3. The dough will become several times larger. You need to form small balls and place them on greased parchment. oil. Place distances between the buns. Let them sit for 20 minutes.
  4. At this time I am preparing the topping. I melt the words. butter, add flour and sugar. I grind the mass into crumbs. I coat the buns with the chickens. egg, beat it in advance and sprinkle the baking with sprinkles.
  5. I bake the treat with crumbs for 20 minutes at 200 gr. in the oven. The buns should be covered with a golden crust. In fact, baking time may vary, because it all depends on your oven.

Serve lush buns with the aroma of childhood and the taste of summer on the table with a cup of milk or tea. We must admit that the buns will be very tasty even when cooled.

Recipe for buns with sprinkles and summer filling

Delicious buns with sweet topping are not at all difficult to prepare, and their taste can be varied by adding berries, fruits or jam to the filling.

The recipe is very versatile, because you can make such delicious rolls both in the summer with fresh fruit and in the winter with jam or marmalade.

The choice is yours - please your family with delicious homemade baked goods as often as possible!

Ingredients: 200 ml milk; 50 gr. margarine; 2 pcs. chickens eggs; 3 tbsp each rast. butter and sugar; 1 tsp dry yeast; 2.5 tbsp. flour; 0.5 tsp salt; 1 pack van. sugar. For the filling, take berries or fruits.
Ingredients for crumbs: 2 tbsp. flour and 1 tbsp. sugar and sl. oils

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I make crumbs with my hands. I combine all the ingredients and rub them with my fingers.
  2. I heat the milk to room temperature, dissolve yeast in it, a little sugar, add flour, about 2 tablespoons. I stir, give the dough time to rise. To speed up this process, the bowl of dough can be placed in a bowl full of warm water.
  3. Melt the margarine and add the chickens. egg, salt, vanilla and vegetable matter. oil. I mix and add to the dough. I add flour and knead the dough. I let the mixture sit for 1-1.5 hours.
  4. I divide the dough into parts, approximately 12 balls. I roll each of them out and put 1 tsp in the center. fillings.
  5. I fasten the edges securely, giving the workpiece a round shape. I place the balls on greased parchment. oil, the seam should be at the bottom. Be sure to leave space between the buns as the yeast dough will expand during baking. Leave for proofing for 20 minutes.
  6. I cover the risen buns with the whipped chicken mixture. eggs and decorate with sprinkles as generously as possible.
  7. I bake the buns until golden brown. Baking time will depend on the power of your oven.

As for the filling, I tried different variations, for example, fruits, berries, boiled condensed milk and even cow candies.

To prevent jam from leaking out of the buns, you need flour, but not in large quantities; you can also achieve thickness by using breadcrumbs.

Homemade buns can be served either hot or chilled. The temperature won't make any difference this time and won't ruin the taste.

Rolls go amazingly with different drinks, for example, a glass of cold milk, aromatic coffee or sweet cocoa, herbal tea.

Choose your favorite drink, prepare delicious buns and enjoy the pleasant taste!

This concludes the recipes for sweet rolls with tasty toppings. Study the recipes on my website, try them in practice, surprising your loved ones with delicious homemade pastries.

Follow everything that is indicated in the recipe to achieve the desired result, and if it happens that the first time you fail to bake beautiful rolls with sprinkles, you should not be upset, because each of us has faced this task for the first time and also experienced failures .

I wish you exceptional success in the kitchen and bon appetit! Follow the blog for new recipes so you don't miss anything interesting!

My video recipe

Shortcrust pastry pie with jam is distinguished by its exquisite taste. The shortbread base for pies is prepared quickly, does not require a large number of ingredients and allows you to bake dishes with various fillings.

To prepare high-quality baked goods based on shortcrust pastry, you need to choose the right basic products and follow certain rules. Many parameters should be taken into account: from temperature conditions to the use of special additives. If you do everything according to the rules, you are guaranteed to get a tasty, crumbly and melt-in-your-mouth product with a golden crust.

Basic components of shortcrust pastry

The dough is prepared from a standard set of products:

  • Butter with a mass fraction of fat from 72 to 82.5%.
  • Sour cream with fat content from 15 to 20%.
  • Sugar (you can add vanillin).
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  • Wheat flour of the highest or first grade.
  • Table salt.

This composition of ingredients is suitable for making cookies.

The base for baking closed and grated pies must be supplemented with the following components:

  • chicken egg;
  • loosening agent;
  • margarine (instead of butter).

Baking algorithm

When preparing shortcrust pastry, it is important to follow a certain sequence of actions:

  1. Mixing the mixture of flour and butter (you can use either butter or margarine).
  2. Cooling the oil mixture.
  3. Add granulated sugar to the cooled butter base and beat the mixture.
  4. Forming the finished mass (adding pre-beaten chicken eggs, vanillin, flour, sour cream, lemon juice, table salt and baking powder), mixing the mixture until elastic.
  5. Place the finished dough in the refrigerator for a period of 0.5 to 1 hour (the bowl with the dough must first be wrapped in cling film).

Only after all the above manipulations can you begin to form the pie. To do this, place the dough in a special container with sides and, if necessary, fill with filling.

Baking a pie with jam

Shortbread pastries with sweet fillings have a very harmonious taste. To get a closed pie, the dough is placed in a container, then a layer of berry or fruit jam is laid on top (you can level it with a spoon).

The other part of the dough, which should remain in the freezer until the closed part of the pie is prepared, is used to decorate the top layer of the pie (grid and sprinkle on the pie).

The sweet pie is placed in an electric oven for 20 minutes. Before baking, the device must be heated to 200 C.

Recipe for shortbread pie with jam and crumbs

The pie cooks quickly and has a unique taste. It is delicate and soft and goes well with classic black or green tea.

To prepare such a pie, you need to add additional components to the basic ingredients:

  • walnuts;
  • berry jam;
  • grated chocolate with a high content of cocoa beans.

Number of products

For 8-10 servings of shortbread crumb cake you will need the following quantities of main ingredients:

  • 200 g butter from cream;
  • 200 g granulated sugar
  • 500 g high quality wheat flour;
  • several walnuts;
  • 100 g chocolate;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder.


The recipe for baking shortbread pie with crumbs includes several steps.

  1. Preparing shortbread crumbs for pie. Butter or margarine is heated, ground with sugar and flour until it becomes sandy crumbs (small lumps). Then crushed walnuts, salt, vanillin, and baking powder are added to the mixture. If desired, the walnut can be replaced with other ingredients, for example, lemon or orange zest. Cinnamon, nutmeg or ginger add a good taste to the shortbread product. These ingredients are added according to individual taste.
  2. The thoroughly mixed crumb dough is laid out in a special form with sides or on a baking sheet. To prevent the cake from burning, it is recommended to cover the bottom of the baking container with parchment paper, which has been pre-greased with oil.
  3. Sand crumbs are placed in the mold in a dense layer. On top there is a filling of jam, marmalade or jam. The main thing to remember is that the filling should not be liquid. The top layer of crumbs should be thin (the bulk of the crumbs go to form the bottom of the pie).
  4. Final decoration of the pie. The finished shortbread product is removed from the oven. Cool slightly and decorate with chocolate chips on top.

Shortcrust pastry pie in a slow cooker

The easiest and fastest way to cook shortbread pie is to use a slow cooker. Uniform heating and the absence of harmful substances in the finished product due to the absence of the possibility of burning make the multicooker indispensable in the preparation of dietary dishes.

Number of basic components

  • 500 g wheat flour (4 multi-cups);
  • 3 fresh chicken eggs.
  • 150 g butter 82.5%;
  • 150 g of any jam;
  • 145 g sugar (1 multi-cup);
  • 1 tsp baking powder for dough;
  • spices (cinnamon, ginger) - to taste.


The sequence of preparing a pie in a slow cooker consists of several steps:

  1. Soften the butter by heating it in a frying pan or water bath.
  2. Beat the eggs lightly (with a whisk or in a kitchen electric mixer).
  3. Stir the egg-butter mixture in a deep bowl, add flour and baking powder.
  4. Place the prepared mixture in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.
  5. Divide the cooled pie base into parts in a ratio of 1:3.
  6. Place a large part of the dough mixture into the multicooker bowl and add the filling on top.
  7. Use the remaining dough to create a pattern on the surface of the berry layer.
  8. Turn the multicooker operating mode to the “Bake” position and cook the pie for 60-70 minutes (depending on the power of the device).

Quick grated shortbread pie with jam

This option is especially relevant in conditions of time shortage, when the sandbox for tea needs to be prepared very quickly. A special feature of the preparation of shortbread baking is strict adherence to technological steps, during which the required dough consistency is ensured.

Basic components

You can quickly and whip up a grated pie from shortcrust pastry by slightly adjusting the standard list of basic ingredients.

So, a common version of this set of products is the following:

  • butter (120 g);
  • flour (300 g);
  • chicken egg (2 pieces);
  • granulated sugar (half a glass);
  • milk (half a glass);
  • baking soda (1/2 teaspoon);
  • jam for filling.


At the initial stage, you should prepare a mixture of sugar and eggs, then add milk there - mix everything well. After this, quench the solution of table soda with a solution of vinegar and pour the neutral liquid into a mixture of eggs, sugar and milk, mix with flour.

Add finely chopped fruits or thick berry jam to the main mass. Mix the resulting mass. Place the dough in any suitable bowl or on a baking sheet and bake in the oven. Set the oven temperature to 180 C.

The preparation time for the shortbread pie is 30 minutes. The finished sandbox can be decorated with glaze or sprinkled with powdered sugar - it looks very beautiful and appetizing.

Shortbread pie with jam in the oven

In the oven on medium mode, the shortcrust pastry pie with jam is cooked for 25-30 minutes. This is one of the fastest ways to get delicious baked goods at home.


  1. 200 g of butter (or margarine) must first be heated to soften (you can use a water bath) and then cooled.
  2. Beat 2 chicken eggs (preferably with a whisk).
  3. Mix melted butter, beaten eggs and 1 sugar (tablespoon).
  4. Mix half a glass of flour with 1 teaspoon of baking powder and add to the container with the main mixture. It should be a ball of dough, but not too stiff. It is important here not to overdo it with flour.
  5. Divide the dough ball into 3 parts, put one in the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes, and place the other in a greased baking pan.
  6. Place jam or other filling on the first layer of dough.
  7. Finally, remove and grate the cooled shortbread mixture directly over the pie with filling.
  8. The product must be baked in the oven at 180 C.

Before serving, the finished dish can be cut into portions. “Grated” pie with tea is a good solution for a family tea party or a meeting of friends.

Crumbly pie with jam

The pie is prepared very quickly with a minimum amount of ingredients. This is very convenient for quickly preparing dessert for tea when time is short.

Basic components

  • 500 g flour;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • half a glass of granulated sugar;
  • 450 thick jam;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

It is better to use sour jam for the pie, so as not to get too cloying the taste of the finished product. Cherry or plum jam or sour apple jam are suitable.

How to cook

  1. Soften the butter and add sugar to it, grind the resulting mixture well.
  2. Beat the egg with a whisk or in a mixer, add to the butter, mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  3. Sift the flour separately (add baking powder and mix).
  4. Knead the dough from the resulting components not to an elastic state, but to a lumpy phase.
  5. Divide the dough into two parts: place one in a baking container with sides, leave the other for making crumbs.
  6. Grease the layer of dough in the mold with thick jam.
  7. Mix the second part of the dough with chopped nuts and place on the middle layer of jam.
  8. Bake the pie in an oven preheated to 200 C for 40-50 minutes.

It is better to serve crumbly pie with tea in the form of small portions - cut into slices.

Open shortcrust pastry pie

Open pies filled with fruits and berries are aromatic and very tasty. From the finished pie you can make cakes that will be an excellent addition to any tea party.

Basic components

  • 1 cup flour;
  • a pack of butter (200 g);
  • 3 tablespoons sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • 200 g filling (berries, fruits, cottage cheese);
  • salt to taste.

How to cook

  1. Prepare sifted flour, pour it in a heap. Pour sugar and salt into the cavity, place heated butter, the yolk of one egg, and half a glass of water. Knead the resulting mixture using a food processor or by hand.
  2. Roll the kneaded dough into a ball, wrap in foil and chill in the refrigerator (at least 1 hour).
  3. Cut the chilled dough into two parts.
  4. Mix the berry filling with sugar.
  5. Place some of the dough on the bottom of the baking container. Place berry filling on top. Add beans to ensure even baking.
  6. Roll out the second part of the dough to make a decorative lattice top of the dough. Place on top of the filling and brush with egg yolk.
  7. Place in a preheated oven and bake for 20-30 minutes until golden brown.

Shortbread pie with cottage cheese and jam

Shortbread dough for open curd and berry pie is prepared in the classic way.

Ingredients for filling

The filling can be prepared from the following components:

  • low-fat cottage cheese (250 g);
  • butter (50 g);
  • granulated sugar (50 g);
  • selected chicken egg (1 piece);
  • low-fat sour cream (1 tablespoon);
  • starch (1 tablespoon);
  • fresh berries (150 g);
  • vanillin (pinch);
  • water (50 g).


  1. Brew the shortbread dough in the traditional way (melted butter is mixed with sugar, egg, wheat flour). Cool the resulting product in the refrigerator for an hour.
  2. Prepare the oven (heat to 200 C).
  3. Prepare the curd mass from the appropriate ingredients. To do this, the cottage cheese is rubbed through a sieve, sour cream, egg, sugar, berries, vanillin, starch, and a little water are added to it.
  4. The chilled shortbread dough is placed in a heat-resistant baking dish, and small sides are formed to hold the filling in place.
  5. The container with the dough is placed in the oven and baked for 35 minutes.

The result is a most delicate dessert, juicy, soft and aromatic. This pie will be appreciated by friends and family.

Baking from shortcrust pastry turns out tender and aromatic if you use the ingredients in the specified proportions, in full compliance with the algorithm for preparing the sweet dish.

The special taste qualities of shortbread products are determined by the method of their preparation (lots of butter, cooling the dough for better structuring and friability, thick berry fillings).

The variety of internal filling of the pie allows you to bake high-quality sweets for every taste - for daily and holiday dessert menus.