There is no more controversial and at the same time more popular sauce in the world than mayonnaise. Be that as it may, homemade mayonnaise is definitely superior to its industrial opponent. No, not even that. He simply knocks him out. Long forgotten are the times when the reluctance to prepare homemade mayonnaise was due to the supposed complexity of the process, when it was necessary to separate the yolks from the whites, make sure that the yolks were at the same temperature as the vegetable oil, mix the mass intensively, pouring oil into it in a thin stream, etc. It’s not really such a complicated process, but this process has become much easier since people started getting immersion blenders.

Moreover, the world of mayonnaise is so wide that it is simply contraindicated for a lover of exploring the world through food to refuse this product. In addition to simple, basic mayonnaise, which you can prepare with regular mustard of varying degrees of pungency, with whole grain mustard, use lemon as an acid, different types of vinegar or balsamic, vegetable oil, olive oil, mixtures, and so on - a good variety, isn’t it? – There are a lot of sauces that are based on mayonnaise in essence. Garlic spicy aioli, wonderful tartare for fish dishes, remoulade... Besides, try adding anything to mayonnaise. For example, I added wasabi powder and it turned out great! And what kind of mayonnaise you get if you add powdered porcini mushrooms to it!.. Well, let's get to the recipes already?

There will be 4 of them: the simplest and fastest whole egg mayonnaise, milk mayonnaise, aioli and wasabi mayonnaise.

1. The simplest and fastest whole egg mayonnaise.

I specifically do not give the recipe for that mayonnaise with oil in a thin stream... My basic version is simple, prepared using an immersion blender, from a whole egg, and the temperature of each ingredient does not matter in the slightest.

1 egg
200 g vegetable oil
2-3 tsp. lemon juice/vinegar
1-1.5 tsp. any mustard
salt pepper

Break the egg into a blender glass or half-liter jar so that the yolk remains intact. Pour all the oil on top. Use the blender to “step” on the yolk and begin to break through the mixture, without moving the blender yet. When you see that the mixture has successfully emulsified and become thick, move the blender up and down to achieve a smooth sauce. Remember that the less oil you use, the less thick the mayonnaise will be.
When the emulsion is ready, add mustard, lemon juice and spices to taste, and mix until smooth / blend again.

This mayonnaise is prepared without eggs, and the taste is very similar to the mayonnaise that we used to sell in small 250 ml jars, which were called mayonnaise. Its texture is thicker and denser than that of the first mayonnaise.

70 ml milk
140 ml vegetable oil
1 tbsp. l. lemon juice/vinegar
1 tsp. any mustard
salt pepper

In this case, it will be better if you use milk and butter at approximately the same temperature. The preparation process is similar to the previous one: mix milk and butter, beat with an immersion blender until an emulsion is obtained, season with salt and pepper, add acid and mustard.

3. Aioli sauce.

Aioli is very famous and popular. I like it best with young garlic - there is no better sauce for fried shrimp!

160 ml vegetable oil
1 egg
2-3 z. garlic
1-1.5 tbsp. tablespoons lemon juice/vinegar
1 teaspoon of any mustard
salt pepper

Prepare simple mayonnaise, and then add crushed or pressed garlic to it. It is better to let the sauce brew for a couple of hours.

4. Wasabi mayonnaise.

A very interesting and spicy sauce. Good with both fish and meat. I spread it on a snack cake made from zucchini pancakes - it turned out very cool. Try it!

200 ml vegetable
1 egg
1-2 tbsp. l. wasabi powder
1-2 tbsp. l. boiled water at room temperature
1.5 tbsp. l. lemon juice/vinegar
salt pepper

Dilute the wasabi with water to a smooth paste. Make a simple mayonnaise by adding wasabi paste to the egg and butter before emulsifying. Then season the mayonnaise with acid, salt and pepper to taste. The amount of wasabi can be varied depending on your taste for spicy food.

Bon appetit!

Sauce is a real magic wand for any housewife, which gives an ordinary dish an original taste and reveals its aroma in a new way. Let's look at interesting recipes for making mayonnaise sauces with the addition of various spices and herbs.

Recipe for garlic sauce with mayonnaise

This is one of the easiest sauces to prepare and goes well with many dishes, despite its simplicity. It will be a wonderful addition to fresh tomatoes, baked potatoes, fried zucchini and many other dishes.


  • mayonnaise – 100 ml;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • black pepper - a pinch.


So, we peel the garlic and squeeze it through a press into a bowl. Add salt and ground black pepper to taste. Then add mayonnaise and mix everything thoroughly. If desired, you can sprinkle the mixture with finely chopped fresh herbs. mayonnaise is perfect for any meat dishes.

Mayonnaise sauce recipe for pizza


  • mayonnaise – 150 ml;
  • cream 20% – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • tomato sauce – 1.5 teaspoons;
  • lemon juice - to taste.


Mix mayonnaise with tomato sauce, add lemon juice. Then pour in the cream, add pepper and, if necessary, add a little sauce. Beat everything thoroughly with a blender until smooth, transfer to a saucepan and serve with hot pizza.

Mayonnaise and sour cream sauce

From mayonnaise and garlic it turns out surprisingly tender and tasty, with a pleasant aroma of greenery. If desired, you can add various herbs and spices to it.


  • sour cream – 100 ml;
  • mayonnaise – 100 ml;
  • greens – 15 g;
  • garlic – 3 cloves.


Place sour cream in a bowl and add mayonnaise. Wash the greens, shake off the water well and chop. We peel the garlic, wash it, dry it and pass it through a garlic press. Add everything to sour cream and mayonnaise, mix thoroughly, put the mixture in a gravy boat and serve with fish and meat dishes.

Chicken mayonnaise sauce recipe

Of the existing sauces, we most often use mayonnaise and ketchup. It’s probably not worth even comparing the harm of store-bought products, which can be stored for years, with the benefits of home-cooked ones!

Eat right, cook with pleasure and!

We invite you to try one of 10 delicious sauces today, which contain fairly simple ingredients and do not contain harmful additives. We wish you delicious moments!

1. Tomato sauce from Italy for pasta or pizza

Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a large saucepan, add one finely chopped onion and 3-4 cloves of minced garlic. Cook for 7–8 minutes. Then add 1 tablespoon of oregano, 800 g of chopped canned tomatoes, 2 tablespoons of tomato paste and 1 tablespoon of sugar. Simmer for 20 minutes until the sauce thickens. Then add 4 fresh tomatoes, peeled and seeded. Season the finished sauce with salt and pepper.

2. Spanish “Salsa” for bright feasts

Grind 15 cherry tomatoes (or regular ones), 1 bunch of dill and a bunch of green onions in a blender. Add 1 teaspoon of balsamic vinegar, 1 tablespoon each of tomato paste and olive (or refined vegetable) oil. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

3. Polish sauce - goes perfectly with fish

Melt 150 g of butter over low heat. Add 4 chopped boiled eggs and 10 g of parsley to the cooled, slightly warm butter. Stir and season with lemon juice (or citric acid on the tip of a knife). .

4. Sweet and sour sauce for Chinese dishes

Mix 1.5 tablespoons of sugar, 2 tablespoons, 3 tablespoons of orange juice, 1 tablespoon of soy sauce and tomato puree. Separately, mix 1 teaspoon corn flour with 4 tablespoons water and add to the mixture. Place the sauce on the fire and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. This sauce is served hot.

5. Italian dressing for light salads

Mix in a jar 2.5 tablespoons, 1.5 tablespoons balsamic vinegar, half a clove of crushed garlic, 1/4 teaspoon each salt and black pepper. Close the lid and shake well.

6. Milk sauce for vegetarian dishes

Melt 1 tablespoon of butter in a frying pan and add 1 tablespoon of flour. Gradually pour in 1.5 cups of milk and cook for 10 minutes; after cooking, add salt to taste.

7. Caesar salad dressing

Whisk 1 teaspoon mustard with 1 egg yolk and 1 teaspoon salt. Carefully pour in 150 ml of olive oil a little at a time, whisk until it reaches the consistency of mayonnaise. Add 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 teaspoon ground pepper, 50 g grated Parmesan, 2 cloves crushed garlic and whisk the sauce well.

8. Greek Tzatziki Sauce

Mix 125 ml of natural yogurt, 1 peeled grated cucumber (before adding the cucumber, carefully squeeze out all the pulp), 2 cloves of crushed garlic, 1 tablespoon each of lemon juice and olive oil, finely chopped parsley, dill and salt to taste.

9. Turkish sauce, spicy

You will need 2 onions, 1 tablespoon tomato paste or half a cup of chopped tomatoes, 2 tablespoons olive oil, salt, red and black pepper, 1 teaspoon ground coriander, cilantro, dill, 1 teaspoon lemon juice or vinegar (optional) , 1 sweet red pepper. Grind the ingredients in a blender to fine crumbs, season with spices, stir and pour the mixture into a sauce boat.

10. Creamy cheese sauce for spaghetti and potatoes

In a saucepan, mix 200 g of chopped processed cheese, 200 ml of cream, 10 ml of vegetable oil. Cook over medium heat until boiling, stirring. Once boiling, reduce heat and add basil and black pepper to taste. Stirring constantly, add 50 g of grated cheese. Continue stirring until a smooth consistency is achieved. Pour over our side dish and enjoy!

These sauces will certainly add variety to your culinary routine and holidays!

– very easy to prepare, but despite this, it harmonizes perfectly with many dishes. Garlic sauce will be an excellent addition to fried meat, baked potatoes, salad of fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, etc. It is also a good idea to use this sauce as a base, i.e. create different dishes by adding different ingredients to it.

Just remember that industrially produced mayonnaise contains a number of harmful ingredients, including preservatives, flavor enhancers, flavors, emulsifiers, thickeners, stabilizers, dyes, etc. And there are few natural ingredients, because instead of eggs, egg powder has long been used, soy starch is added to give consistency, and the cheapest, refined and deodorized oil is used.

Garlic sauce with mayonnaise and dill


  • sour cream - 400g
  • mayonnaise - 400g
  • garlic - 1 head
  • green onions - 1 bunch
  • dill (fresh) - 1 bunch
  • parsley (fresh) - 1 bunch

Sauce recipe:

  1. To prepare garlic sauce with mayonnaise, sour cream and herbs you need...
  2. Mix sour cream and mayonnaise.
  3. Rinse all greens under running water and dry on a napkin.
  4. Finely chop the green onions, dill and parsley and add to the sour cream and mayonnaise.
  5. and send it after the onion.
  6. Pass the peeled garlic through a press, add salt and mix.
  7. Add garlic to the rest of the ingredients and stir.
  8. Before serving, the garlic sauce should be refrigerated for several hours.


  • 300 g mayonnaise (the fattier the better)
  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream 20% fat
  • 1 head of garlic
  • salt to taste
  • black pepper to taste

Cooking method:

  1. In a convenient deep bowl, mix mayonnaise and sour cream, mix well, add salt and pepper. Peel the garlic and pass through a garlic press.
  2. Add garlic mass to mayonnaise and sour cream. Mix thoroughly again, preferably not with a spoon, but with a whisk. The sauce is ready.
  3. It can be transferred to a glass container, covered with a lid and hidden in the refrigerator. As soon as the required dish is ready, transfer the sauce to a gravy boat and serve.

Homemade garlic mayonnaise sauce


  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • high-quality olive oil (can be replaced with corn or sunflower oil) – 120-150 g (watch as you beat);
  • table mustard or any of the savory ones (Dijon, American, hot, spicy) - 8 grams or 1 dessert spoon;
  • table vinegar (9%) – 5-10 ml to taste;
  • finely ground salt - up to? teaspoon;
  • granulated sugar – 1-2 pinches;
  • garlic – 3-5 cloves;
  • seasonings to choose from - paprika, dried basil, dill, parsley, arugula, hot pepper, etc.


  1. In a deep glass or ceramic bowl, combine the egg, mustard, salt, sugar and finely chopped garlic with a sharp knife (the size of the fractions should be no larger than a sesame seed).
  2. Mix the ingredients and beat using any kitchen appliance: mixer, blender, standard food processor attachment, whisk.
  3. Continuing the beating process at high speeds, gradually begin to pour vegetable oil into the sauce. It is added in a thin stream, in small portions, observing the increase in mass in volume. According to reviews from experienced cooks, the approximate dose of oil is 5 ml every 15-30 seconds.
  4. The addition of oil is continued until the mayonnaise reaches the consistency of the desired thickness. That is why the recipe indicates only an approximate amount. When beating for a long time, the mixture sometimes overheats, especially if the weather is hot, and the egg may curdle. Therefore, while whipping, periodically give the mayonnaise a five-minute rest, during which it cools.
  5. At the very end, the entire portion of vinegar and spices is added to the sauce.
  6. After thorough mixing, the mayonnaise is transferred to a glass container, covered with a lid and stored in the refrigerator.
  7. It is possible to either add mayonnaise during the cooking process or serve the homemade product in a beautiful gravy boat to the table.
  8. It should be noted that since there are no synthetic preservatives in homemade sauce, and their role is played by natural ones (mustard, vinegar, garlic, pepper), its shelf life is quite short and lasts up to 3-4 days. Therefore, prepare mayonnaise in small portions and try to use it immediately during the cooking process.
  9. Naturally, the taste of homemade mayonnaise is somewhat different from the factory one, and the consistency can vary from liquid to thick, however, no one doubts its undoubted health benefits.


  • fresh dill - 45 gr.
  • garlic cloves - 6 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Combine sour cream and mayonnaise in a common bowl and refrigerate for a third of an hour. At this time, remove the stems from the dill; they are not needed. Grind the product, mix with pepper and salt (to taste).
  2. Remove the skins from the garlic cloves, put them in a mortar and turn them into porridge. Mix all available ingredients, beat with a mixer or fork. Transfer the homogeneous mixture into a saucepan and serve.

Garlic sauce based on mayonnaise


  • black pepper - amount to your taste
  • mayonnaise with fat content from 65% - 145 gr.
  • garlic teeth - 7 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the mayonnaise in the refrigerator and wait half an hour. During this time you need to prepare the garlic. Remove the husks from the cloves and pass each of them through a press.
  2. Add the main component to mayonnaise, add pepper and add salt to your taste. Take a sample and add a little more garlic or salt if necessary.
  3. This recipe is considered the simplest. It is served with any dish, taking into account personal preferences. The sauce is often supplemented with washed and chopped dill and seasonings.


  • Mayonnaise (preferably homemade) –100 g.
  • Garlic – about 3 cloves.
  • Mixed peppers – added to taste.
  • Fresh parsley - a small bunch.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the required set of products and kitchen utensils.
  2. Peel the garlic cloves, rinse and dry them. The amount of garlic can be reduced or increased if desired.
  3. Grind it into a bowl using a garlic press, knife or fine grater.
  4. Based on your taste and wishes, add a mixture of peppers.
  5. Place mayonnaise (store bought or homemade) in a bowl.
  6. Stir the resulting mass.
  7. Place in a saucepan and decorate with sprigs of fresh herbs.
  8. Now you know how to make garlic sauce with mayonnaise, so you can use it as a savory addition to all kinds of dishes.

Classic garlic sauce


  • garlic - five large cloves;
  • olive oil – 2/3 cup;
  • salt and ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. We take a hand press, mortar and pestle or blender and grind the garlic.
  2. Pour the required volume of vegetable oil into the resulting slurry.
  3. Salt and pepper the dressing, and then use a mixer to beat the sauce to even out the consistency.
  4. We put the bowl with the sauce in the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that the ingredients of the dressing mix well with each other and “share” their tastes and aromas.

Garlic mayonnaise sauce for shawarma

There are two ways to prepare garlic sauce at home. The first of them involves using store-bought mayonnaise. However, it is preferable to use homemade mayonnaise as a base - a sauce prepared by yourself using natural products, the quality of which you are completely confident in. This mayonnaise is absolutely safe for health and will not harm even children. In addition, it tastes much more delicate and goes well with homemade shawarma.


  • egg - one;
  • olive oil - a glass;
  • lemon juice - tablespoon;
  • mustard - teaspoon;
  • salt, sugar, ground black pepper - to taste;
  • garlic - eight large cloves;
  • dill - a bunch.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat the yolk and white of one egg into a bowl suitable for beating and use a mixer to achieve homogeneity of the components.
  2. Add the oil little by little: after pouring one portion, beat until the oil is completely mixed with the beaten egg, and only then add the next portion.
  3. We adjust the thickness of the sauce using oil: if the dressing is too runny, add more.
  4. Pass the garlic through a hand press, mix with mustard and seasonings and add to mayonnaise.
  5. Beat the mixture with a mixer set to maximum speed, and at the very end add finely chopped dill to the sauce.

Garlic Sause


  • Fat sour cream - 4-5 tbsp. l.
  • Soy sauce - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Processed cheese – 30 g
  • Chopped dill - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare ingredients for garlic sauce.
  2. How to make garlic sauce:
  3. Add soy sauce, dill, salt and pepper to sour cream. Mix.
  4. Grate the processed cheese on a fine grater.
  5. Peel the garlic. Add cheese to the sauce and press the garlic.
  6. Mix the garlic sauce thoroughly.
  7. Ready-made garlic sauce is best served with hot fried potatoes.

Mayonnaise sauce with garlic


  • 2 raw yolks,
  • 4 cloves of garlic,
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil,
  • juice of half a lemon

Cooking method:

  1. To prepare mayonnaise, grind the garlic with egg yolks, juice, salt, and pepper.
  2. While stirring, pour oil into the garlic pulp.
  3. The finished mayonnaise with garlic should be in the form of an emulsion.
  4. If the sauce has curdled, add a teaspoon of water drop by drop while whisking.
  5. Potato, meat, and fish salads are seasoned with garlic mayonnaise.

Sauce with mayonnaise and garlic and lemon


  • a glass of mayonnaise main sauce,
  • 2 cloves of garlic,
  • half a lemon,
  • teaspoon lemon zest,
  • half a bunch of dill

Cooking method:

  1. Making mayonnaise sauce.
  2. Peel the garlic and grind with dill in a mortar.
  3. Squeeze juice from lemon.
  4. Add garlic and dill pulp, lemon zest and juice, salt and pepper into mayonnaise.
  5. Whisk the ingredients into mayonnaise and let sit.
  6. Season fried fish with garlic and lemon mayonnaise.


  • mayonnaise - 100 g.
  • garlic - 3 teeth.
  • mixture of peppers - to taste
  • fresh parsley - a bunch.

Cooking method:

  1. We clear the table of unnecessary items and place on the work surface the products that are necessary for preparing the sauce.
  2. Immediately prepare your garlic press and spoon to stir the sauce ingredients.
  3. Also don’t forget about the bowl in which we will combine the components.
  4. We start by dividing the head of garlic into cloves.
  5. The number of cloves can be increased or decreased.
  6. Focus on your preference.
  7. We clean the cloves from the husks.
  8. Now is the time to chop the garlic cloves.
  9. Squeeze them into a bowl (cup).
  10. Next we move on to adding spices.
  11. In our case, it is a mixture of aromatic peppers.
  12. At this stage, also focus on your taste.
  13. Place the stated portion of mayonnaise into the bowl with the garlic mass (this can be homemade or store-bought mayonnaise).
  14. Now, using a regular spoon, thoroughly mix all the ingredients added for the garlic sauce.
  15. If you plan to serve the resulting sauce with a meat or fish dish, transfer it to a saucepan and garnish with sprigs of fresh herbs.
  16. Also, this garlic sauce with mayonnaise can be used for salads and fried vegetables (zucchini, eggplant, etc.).

Garlic sauce with sour cream and mayonnaise


  • mayonnaise,
  • sour cream,
  • garlic,
  • dill
  • black pepper and salt.

Cooking method:

  1. To begin, mix sour cream and mayonnaise in a deep bowl, very finely chop a couple of sprigs of dill and mix in
  2. Next, peel the garlic, chop it using a garlic press and add it to the resulting mixture.
  3. Lastly, add salt and pepper to taste
  4. Mix thoroughly, achieving a homogeneous mass; for this it is better to use a whisk.
  5. The sauce is ready.
  6. Now all that remains is to transfer it to the desired container, close the lid and leave it in the refrigerator until you prepare the dish to which this sauce should be accompanied.
  7. This is a classic sauce recipe, which can be easily varied using, for example, fresh herbs or various mixtures of ground peppers.

White garlic barbecue sauce


  • mayonnaise 250g
  • ½ head garlic
  • dill

Cooking method:

  1. Place the mayonnaise on a plate.
  2. I already wrote above that you can use fermented milk products instead of mayonnaise.
  3. Add black pepper.
  4. Squeeze the garlic through a garlic press.
  5. I personally like the occasional small piece of garlic in the sauce.
  6. But in general, it would be correct to squeeze the garlic into another bowl and grind it with a mortar.
  7. Or you can use dry garlic, grind it into powder along with black pepper and add to mayonnaise.
  8. Mix everything well.
  9. Finely chop the dill and add to our sauce.
  10. Basically, the white garlic sauce is ready.
  11. But it is very thick.
  12. It needs to be slightly diluted with water.
  13. We do everything to our taste.
  14. Here is our white garlic barbecue sauce ready.

Garlic sauce with mayonnaise for potatoes


  • sour cream 200 g.
  • garlic 1-2 teeth.
  • fresh dill 0.5 bunch.
  • salt 1-2 chips.

Cooking method:

  1. Place sour cream in a small bowl.
  2. Many recipes recommend adding a few tablespoons of mayonnaise to the sour cream sauce to make it richer in taste.
  3. But I still prefer sour cream in its pure form, then the sauce is light and not too greasy.
  4. I have sour cream 15% fat, thick and dense.
  5. If you have it very liquid, you can thicken it with cottage cheese (in a blender, beat 100 g of cottage cheese along with sour cream at low speed).
  6. Separately, I chop the green dill.
  7. I chop about half the bunch as finely as possible and put it in a bowl with sour cream.
  8. I also add one or two cloves of garlic, peeled and passed through a press - it gives the sauce a special sharpness and piquancy.
  9. Adjust the amount of garlic to your taste.
  10. This time I only put 1 clove.
  11. If you like spicier sauces, you can add a pinch of ground red pepper.
  12. I just added salt to taste - two small pinches of salt is enough.
  13. Then thoroughly mixed all the ingredients using a fork until smooth.
  14. And carefully poured it into a sauce boat - it turned out to be 250 ml of aromatic sauce, fresh and very tasty.
  15. Topped with a sprig of green dill.
  16. Sour cream and garlic sauce for potatoes can now be served.
  17. But it will become even tastier if you let it sit for 15-30 minutes in the refrigerator - during this time the taste of garlic and dill will develop better, which means the sour cream sauce will become richer.

Garlic mayonnaise sauce with horseradish

This sauce turns out to be quite spicy; it perfectly complements salads and meat dishes.


  • a pinch of dried garlic, salt, sugar;
  • a quarter glass of sour cream and mayonnaise;
  • lemon juice (0.5 teaspoon);
  • a teaspoon of dried green onions, grated horseradish.

Cooking method:

  1. First, whisk the sour cream and mayonnaise with a whisk or in a blender.
  2. Next, add the remaining ingredients to the mixture.
  3. Stir the mixture all the time while adding.
  4. Add all the ingredients, taste the dish periodically so that it does not turn out too spicy.
  5. You can also serve the finished dish with chips, beer and vegetables.

Cheese-garlic sauce


  • 200 g cheese;
  • half a head of garlic;
  • a jar of medium fat mayonnaise (200 g);
  • greens of your choice (dill, parsley, basil or celery);
  • 1 tsp each ground pepper (allspice and black)

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the greens and let them drain, then chop them as finely as possible.
  2. Peel and chop the garlic.
  3. For the sauce, we recommend choosing not too salty and dense varieties of hard cheese.
  4. So, grate the cheese on the coarsest grater.
  5. Place mayonnaise, cheese, garlic, black and allspice ground pepper, and herbs into a blender.
  6. Grind for 2-3 minutes.
  7. Pour the spicy cheese-garlic sauce into a glass container with a tightly closed lid.
  8. This sauce will keep in the refrigerator for a week.

Garlic sauce with mayonnaise for shawarma


  • garlic - 1 head
  • kefir - 0.5 tbsp.
  • mayonnaise - 0.5 tbsp.
  • sour cream - 0.5 tbsp.
  • ground black pepper - to taste
  • ground red pepper - to taste
  • dill and cilantro - to taste
  • salt - to taste

Cooking method:

  1. This recipe is the most common for making shawarma.
  2. The sauce will be very original if you add some chopped pickled cucumbers or brine to it.
  3. Mix mayonnaise, sour cream and kefir.
  4. Add chopped garlic to the resulting mixture.
  5. Then chop the greens and also add to the sauce.
  6. Salt and add black and red pepper.
  7. Using a blender, mix the finished mass for several minutes.
  8. Place the prepared sauce in the refrigerator for four hours.
  9. This sauce is wonderful not only in combination with homemade shawarma, but also goes well with other dishes.

Garlic sauce made from mayonnaise and sour cream


  • mixture of peppers (ground composition) - 4-5 gr.
  • mayonnaise (non-diet) - 275 gr.
  • fresh dill - 45 gr.
  • garlic cloves - 6 pcs.
  • sour cream with fat content from 20% - 125 gr.

Cooking method:

  1. Combine sour cream and mayonnaise in a common bowl and refrigerate for a third of an hour.
  2. At this time, remove the stems from the dill; they are not needed.
  3. Grind the product, mix with pepper and salt (to taste).
  4. Remove the skins from the garlic cloves, put them in a mortar and turn them into porridge.
  5. Mix all available ingredients, beat with a mixer or fork.
  6. Transfer the homogeneous mixture into a saucepan and serve.

Garlic sauce with mayonnaise and cream cheese

This delicious liquid seasoning perfectly complements the taste of fish dishes. Its taste will be appreciated by everyone present at the table, don’t even doubt it!


  • 4 tbsp. mayonnaise, 3-4 cloves of garlic,
  • 2 tbsp. Dijon mustard,
  • 2 packs (or 220 g) soft cream cheese,
  • 2 tbsp. chopped dill,
  • a quarter tsp each paprika, celery seeds and parsley,
  • If necessary, lemon juice.

Cooking method:

  1. Before mixing all the seasoning components, the cheese should be allowed to warm at room temperature until pliable for at least 1 hour. If the cheese is not warm enough and does not become soft, it will be difficult to mix with the rest of the ingredients. Read more:
  2. Mix all the ingredients. Adjust the consistency of the sauce with the amount of mayonnaise or lemon juice. Cool the mixture for an hour and serve.
  3. Any sauce made from mayonnaise and garlic is a pure improvisation of the cook. Feel free to add your favorite spices and herbs to it and you will not be disappointed. This liquid seasoning will be different every time, as will the dishes you season with it.

Mayonnaise is a very popular product on our table. But there are other equally tasty sauces that are prepared on the basis of mayonnaise. We have collected for you recipes for the most popular and simple sauces that you can easily prepare at home.

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Garlic sauce

To prepare mayonnaise-based garlic sauce, we will need ready-made homemade mayonnaise, garlic, herbs (dill or parsley) and salt.


100 g homemade mayonnaise

3-5 cloves of garlic

1 tbsp. l. dill

a pinch of salt

Add finely chopped garlic to the mayonnaise mixture. In the same way, finely chop the greens and add to the mixture along with a pinch of salt. Mix well and put it in the refrigerator in a glass jar with the lid closed for half an hour. This sauce goes well with fried eggplants or zucchini with tomatoes, as well as baked potatoes.

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Tartar sauce"

The classic cold sauce of French cuisine is traditionally prepared from hard-boiled yolk, herbs and vegetable oil. Sometimes adding capers, pickled cucumbers, onions and other greens. At home, you can prepare a simplified “Tartar”, which is based on mayonnaise.


1 tsp. capers

½ tbsp. pickled cucumbers

2 tsp. Dijon mustard

2 tbsp. l. green onions

2 tsp. lemon juice

salt and ground black pepper to taste

Mix mayonnaise (homemade), finely chopped onion, capers and pickled cucumbers until smooth, add mustard, salt, pepper and lemon juice. Stir and cool in the refrigerator. Serve this sauce with fish and seafood dishes, roast beef, and cold roasts.

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Wasabi sauce

The sauce is prepared based on Japanese horseradish - wasabi. Because this green horseradish is so expensive, many restaurants outside Japan make it using regular horseradish, adding spices and food coloring. Therefore, when buying such wasabi in a supermarket, you should not count on its excellent quality.


2-3 tbsp. l. wasabi

Just add wasabi to mayonnaise. If you like it spicier, add more; if you prefer a less spicy sauce, one spoon is enough. Mix everything thoroughly in a glass container and place in the refrigerator to cool. Can be served with fish dishes and salads.

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Mustard sauce

They say mustard increases appetite and improves digestion. It is also perfect for those who want to lose weight, as it contains substances that break down fats. Mustard-based sauce should be stored in a cool and dark place, otherwise it will lose its taste and aroma.


1-2 tbsp. l. French grain mustard

salt and pepper to taste

Add 2 tbsp to homemade mayonnaise. l. grainy mustard. Salt, pepper and put in the refrigerator to brew. This sauce goes well with grilled dishes, particularly chicken.

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Hot chili sauce

Red pepper has a strong spicy aroma and a pungent, and sometimes even hot, taste. Having contraindications to eating spicy foods, it is better to avoid this sauce. By the way, the burning sensation from pepper is relieved not by water, but by milk. Well, this is in case you cut the pepper with a knife and do not use ready-made paste.


2 tbsp. l. chili paste

Homemade mayonnaise should be combined with chili paste. If you want a hotter sauce, you can add 3 tablespoons of pasta. For a less savory version, 1 spoon will be enough. The sauce is suitable for grilled dishes.

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Burger sauce

When we buy a burger at a fast food restaurant, we usually add the popular barbecue sauce or sweet and sour sauce. At home, this sauce can be prepared using mayonnaise.


2 tbsp. l. tomato ketchup

1 tsp. chili paste

handful of olives

Mix mayonnaise with pasta and ketchup, add finely chopped olives and paprika, mix well and let it brew. This simple sauce goes well with hamburgers, which, by the way, can also be prepared at home.

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Sauce with herbs

The sauce, prepared on the basis of mayonnaise and herbs, is perfect for cold fish dishes and meat snacks.


lettuce leaves

parsley and dill


1 tbsp. l. vinegar

Wash the lettuce and spinach leaves and boil thoroughly in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Cool, then finely chop and add 1 tbsp. l. ready greens for mayonnaise. Add salt and vinegar to taste.

Do not forget that mayonnaise and all sauces prepared on its basis are very high in calories!